Calendar of Events

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Sundress Academy: January Poetry Xfit

Category: Classes, workshops, Literature, spoken word, writing and Virtual

The Sundress Academy for the Arts is excited to present Poetry Xfit hosted by Brendon Blair. This generative workshop event will take place on Sunday, January 19th, from 2 to 4 pm EST via Zoom. Join us at the link with the password “safta”.

Poetry Xfit isn't about throwing tires or heavy ropes, but the idea of confusing our muscles is the same. You will receive ideas, guidelines, and more as part of this generative workshop series in order to complete three poems in two hours. A new set of prompts will be provided after the writers have written collaboratively for thirty minutes. The goal is to create material that can be later modified and transformed into artwork rather than producing flawless final versions. The event is open to prose authors as well!

Brendon Blair is an Appalachia-borne writer born and bred on trailer living and warm Mexican cuisine. As a recent dual graduate of Psychology and English, Brendon enjoys intertwining the experiences of queer, waifed and fostered people in poetry and prose. They work as the assistant chapbook editor for Sundress Publications and are passionate about accessible learning. You can find them at

Ijams Nature Center: Upcoming Events

Category: Classes, workshops, Kids, family and Science, nature

1/17 @ 6 pm - Family Owl Prowl
1/18 @ 2 pm - Tracks and Scat! Animal Activity in Winter
1/18 @ 3 pm - Reading the Landscape: Geology
1/19 @ 1 pm - Reset, Renew, Rejuvenate Workshop
1/19 @ 2 pm - Monthly Bluegrass Jam
1/24 • Family Owl Prowl
1/25 • CREATIVE SERIES: Herbal Infusions Workshop
1/25 • Family Owl Prowl
1/26 • Self-Care Sunday Yoga
1/26 • Winter Tales with the Smoky Mountain Storytellers Association

Ijams Nature Center, 2915 Island Home Ave, Knoxville, TN 37920. Visitor Center open daily 10-6; grounds and trails open daily from 8 AM - dusk. Information: 865-577-4717,