Calendar of Events

Art Market Gallery: Charles R. Graves and Karyn Kyte

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event

First Friday Reception: October 1, 5:30 – 9:00 pm

Charles R. Graves, Photography
A native Southerner and the son of a TVA father, I spent my youth in and around the Tennessee
Valley. As a youngster I lived in the East Tennessee towns of Kingston, Chattanooga, and Cleveland landing in Memphis from high school through my mid-adult years. My passion for art found its voice in my first (and only) high school art class my senior year. That high school class turned my direction from a career in music I had prepared for since I was 6 years old to art. That spring I submitted my portfolio and application to the Memphis Academy of Art and was accepted into their BFA program. That’s where I discovered the camera. I was hooked! Although my interest and passion for art and photography never diminished, my career track took me on a venture into marketing, merchandising, creative direction, and brand licensing in various cities and down a variety of avenues including museums, product companies, and creative and marketing positions with iconic brands such as National Geographic, Better Homes and Gardens, and HGTV / DIY Network. When I left National Geographic at the end of 2015 and returned to Knoxville, inspired by all the fantastic photographers I had met and worked with, I focused on photography and expanded my knowledge of the digital camera.

Karyn Kyte, Clay
I grew up on the plains of South Dakota. I have always loved “making stuff” and the land. I knew early on I was an artist; it was just easier in those days. In 1972 I graduated from the State University of South Dakota with a degree in fine arts. The years since have been full of family and other pursuits, but I can say that I still love making stuff and the land.
My objects are always handmade, always different — reflections of the clay and the spirit in me. They are made in the old ways, as I strive to connect with the wise woman inside me. Since all this would be pointless if kept inside, I feel privileged to share with those who would hear and see.

Art Market Gallery, 422 S. Gay St, Knoxville, TN 37902. Hours: Tu-Sa 11-6, Su 1-6. Information: 865-525-5265,,