Calendar of Events

Art Market Gallery: Jack Retterer and Linda Sullivan

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event

First Friday Reception: September 6th, 5:30 - 9 pm

Linda Sullivan, Clay
Linda developed a special interest in glaze chemistry and development while receiving her Master of Fine Arts degree in Studio Ceramics at Northern Illinois University. She continues to experiment with glazes, including crystalline glazes, which are some of the most difficult for achieving successful results. Linda states that the process for creating crystalline work is challenging and requires exacting conditions to ensure that crystals form – appropriate clay body, refined forms, fluid glazes with specific chemical ingredients, correct thickness of glaze, and complex firing and cooling kiln cycles. After the kiln reaches peak temperature, a computerized schedule controls the specific points and durations at which the temperature is held steady to encourage crystal formation. Coloring oxides in the glaze determine the resulting colors. Just as in nature when all conditions are perfect, crystals develop and grow, resulting in uniquely glazed pieces that differ from one another and cannot be duplicated.

Jack Retterer, Photography
Jack Retterer is a photographer and poet in East Tennessee. His work has been on display in numerous venues including the Emporium Art Gallery in Knoxville, the “Arts in the Airport” exposition at the McGee Tyson airport, the Knoxville Mayor’s office and the Knox County Mayor’s office. He has taught photography at Benedictine University in Naperville, Illinois. He currently teaches “Fine Art Photography at the University of Tennessee, and has also served on the boards of artist and photography associations in Tennessee and Illinois. Jack’s present and past professional affiliations and memberships include: Professional Photographers of America, Professional Photographer of East Tennessee, Tennessee Artists Association, Knoxville Arts and Culture Alliance, Juried member of the Art Market Gallery, Art Guild of Fairfield Glade, Tellico Village Art Guild, Foothills Craft Guild, and The Tennessee Poetry Society.

Art Market Gallery, 422 S. Gay St, Knoxville, TN 37902. Hours: Tu-Sa 11-6, Su 1-6. Information: 865-525-5265,,