Calendar of Events

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Ijams Hallway Gallery: Jack A. Gress

  • March 10, 2021 — March 31, 2021

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Free event and Science, nature

Jack Gress is a familiar face to Ijams visitors thanks to his former work with the Natural Resource Management team, but did you know he also is a Knoxville-based artist specializing in event coverage, street, nature and mountain bike photography? See his wonderful work in March!

Ijams Nature Center, 2915 Island Home Ave, Knoxville, TN 37920.

Tri-Star Arts: Solo Exhibition by Althea Murphy-Price

  • March 9, 2021 — May 8, 2021

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

Tri-Star Arts is pleased to announce the inaugural exhibition in their new gallery at the historic Candoro Marble Building. A solo show featuring works by artist Althea Murphy-Price (Knoxville, TN) will open on Tuesday, March 9, and run through Saturday, May 8, 2021. A closing reception will be held on the evening of Friday, May 7 from 5:00 pm until 9:00 pm.

Althea Murphy-Price uses deception, desire, and ornamentation to form questions on the topics of truth, fascination, and attraction — often using manufactured hair (both synthetic and human) to exercise its role as embellishment and as a signifier of racial identity. In this work, hair functions as both subject and material and represents both assimilation and individuality. This body of her work consists of a variety of approaches to printmaking and sculpture to create works that are inspired by surface and texture. Her lithographic work is made to capture the realistic appearance of hair while screen-printed elements suggest object-like forms. Most recently, Murphy-Price has created 3D printed forms suggestive of wearable hair accessories.

This exhibition will be open to the public, alongside iconic spaces within the Candoro Marble Building, regularly from Tuesday through Saturday, 11:00 am until 5:00 pm going forward. Masks and social distancing (6 feet apart) is required. The gallery occupancy is limited to a maximum of 10 persons at a time.

In addition to the exhibition, five Knoxville-based artists have moved into the Tri-Star Arts studios at Candoro and begun their work. The studio artists are Jing Qin, Risa Hricovsky, Casey Fletcher, Jillian Hirsch, and Rachel Sevier Dallery.

Built in 1923, the Candoro Marble Building originally served as the offices and showroom for the Candoro Marble Company. The Aslan Foundation has just completed a restoration of the building. In partnership with the Aslan Foundation, Tri-Star Arts oversees programming at the site.

Candoro Marble Building, 4450 Candora Drive, Knoxville, TN 37920. Hours: Tue-Sat 11-5. Information:

Art Market Gallery: Sheltering in Place

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event

Art created while quarantined

First Friday reception on Mar 5, with artists' talk 5-7 PM

Hours: Tue-Sat 11 AM - 6 PM, Sun 1-6 PM.
Art Market Gallery, 422 S. Gay St, Knoxville, TN 37902. Information: 865-525-5265,,

Art Guild at Fairfield Glade: Debbie Toney exhibition

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event

Oil painter Debbie Toney is the Art Guild’s Featured Artist for March, 2021 and she will be honored at the Fun and Wine Friday Reception on March 5th from 5:00 - 7:00 PM at the Plateau Creative Arts Center (PCAC), 451 Lakeview Drive in Fairfield Glade. Debbie’s paintings will be on display along with the monthly members’ gallery artwork exhibit. The public is invited to come and enjoy a glass of wine or non-alcoholic beverage, meet Debbie and other artists, and view a wonderful variety of artwork.

A southerner by heart and a yankee by birth, Debbie Toney brings 30 years of creative experience to her impressionistic/realistic style art. Life on a farm with four children in rural Tennessee and growing up in coastal Connecticut developed a love of the outdoors and the simple beauty of the landscape she paints. Her medium is oils. Her still life paintings reflect a simple time and place of elegance and serenity. She has traveled and studied with many well-known accomplished artists and participated in painting events throughout the country. Debbie is a member of the Art Guild at Fairfield Glade and has shared her love of painting by teaching several classes in the PCAC studio. She is a also a member of Knoxville’s plein aire group, “Tuesday Painters” and has discovered the excitement and challenge of Plein Aire painting, which translates to painting outdoors. She is a member of the Arts and Cultural Alliance of Knoxville; her works have hung in the Emporium. She has participated in Artsclamation, Artist On Location, and Plein Aire South in Apalachicola, Florida. For the past ten years, Debbie has traveled in the east Tennessee area participating in juried shows receiving awards and recognition. A passion for gardening, travel and photography makes for many painting opportunities. Debbie now paints on a daily basis with enthusiasm for and respect of this gift called art.

Hours: Mon-Sat 10 AM - 2 PM. Art Guild at Fairfield Glade at the Plateau Creative Arts Center, 451 Lakeview Drive, Fairfield Glade, TN 38558. Information: 931-707-7249,

UT Downtown Gallery: Salvador Dali's Divine Comedy

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

Opens March First Friday (March 5) at the UT Downtown Gallery from 5-8pm. The exhibition is the complete suite of woodblock prints created by Dali to illustrate each of the 100 cantos in Dante's 3 part poem, The Divine Comedy. This exhibition is in commemoration of the 700th anniversary of Dante's death. The collection of prints is in the Ewing Gallery permanent collection and was a gift of UT alum, Gary Johnson.

In 1957, the Italian government commissioned Dali to create a complete set of illustrations for Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy to commemorate the 700th anniversary of the author’s birth. Dali began the arduous task of selecting imagery and creating a watercolor painting for each of the 100 cantos of the poem. Shortly after Dali started the project, the Italian government withdrew its commission. Italian citizens had been outraged that a Spanish artist had been selected for this undertaking, instead of inviting an Italian artist to honor one of Italy’s greatest authors. However, it was very fitting that one of the leading artists in the Surrealist movement would be chosen to interpret the bizarre punishments of Inferno and Purgatorio and the fantastical images of Paradiso that Dante created – drawing inspiration from classical and biblical imagery, as well as his own imagination.

Events and exhibitions at the UT Downtown Gallery are free and open to the public. As always, please wear a mask and practice social distancing when you visit the UT Downtown Gallery. Please do not come if you are feeling sick.

Open Wednesday - Friday 11am - 6pm and Saturdays from 10am - 3pm. UT Downtown Gallery, 106 S. Gay St, Knoxville, TN 37902. Information: 865-673-0802,

214 Magnolia: Exhibition by Michelle Barillaro

  • March 5, 2021 — March 27, 2021

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

We have a new show starting this week at 214 magnolia, Michelle Barillaro. This show will run through the whole month of March. Opens First Friday, March 5.

Friday 5-8, Saturday 12-5. By appointment, via IG button, during the week

214 Magnolia, 214 W. Magnolia Ave, Knoxville, TN 37917. 865-337-7106 or

UT School of Art: Viscosity: Women of Print

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

An exhibition featuring work by 25 contemporary women printmakers, opens Monday, March 1, in the Printmaking Showcase Gallery.

The theme of viscosity, flexibility, and fluidity of ink used in printmaking serves as the organizing principle for the portfolio. Dynamic viscosity, by definition, is the sheer stress and sheer rate of a fluid material. The push and pull of ink under pressure can result in the pulling of a perfect film of color and texture. However, the wrong body of ink can result in tearing, push, or saltiness of the color field and render the print an unsuccessful. Constant trial and error of different additives to the ink body can and will be made. It is only after failure, success, and time, do printers, begin to understand how the ink body will react under the pressure of the printing press.

The exhibition encompasses a variety of printmaking media, and includes work by alumnae Ericka Walker (MFA ‘10), associate professor at the Nova Scotia College of Art University and Deb Chaney (BFA ‘01) a Tamarind Master Printer based in Brooklyn, New York and Paris, France.

The gallery is located on the second floor of the Art + Architecture Building outside the print shop, room 241. The exhibition is on view through Friday, April 30.

Art and Architecture Building, Outside of room 241
1715 Volunteer Boulevard, Knoxville, TN 37996

Ijams Nature Center: Wildlife Rehabber Collection Event

  • March 1, 2021 — March 31, 2021

Category: Festivals, special events, Health, wellness, Kids, family and Science, nature

Ijams Take Action!: Big and Small Ways to Save the Planet is back, and it’s bigger than ever! Throughout 2021, you’ll find workshops, recycling events, and more to help you make a difference in the world.

March 1-31
Help Creatures Great and Small: Wildlife Rehabber Collection Event
Licensed wildlife rehabilitators work 24/7 to help injured or orphaned animals heal, grow and hopefully be released back into the wild. Help them accomplish this important work during this collection event!

Ijams Nature Center, 2915 Island Home Ave, Knoxville, TN 37920.

Nourish Knoxville: Winter-ish Warmer

  • March 1, 2021 — March 27, 2021

Category: Culinary arts, food, Fundraisers, Health, wellness and Science, nature

This year's Winter Warmer will be a little later than in the past. Not quite spring, but Winter.....ish.
Some of your favorite things from our annual fundraiser are still happening: a delicious locally-sourced meal and a silent auction, plus a Good Sport Box in collaboration with The Central Collective!

How it Works:
Register at
Purchase your meals and/or your Good Sport Boxes
Tune back in on March 19 - 26 to bid on silent auction items
Pick up all your treasures on March 27 between 1-4 pm at Real Good Kitchen

Each course will be lovingly prepared and packaged, and ready for you to put the finishing touches on at home and enjoy at your leisure! Omnivore and Vegan options are available. The Vegan meal option is also gluten-free, excluding the dessert. Email to request a GF dessert option.

Starter by Jenna Baker of Cook to Be Well
Main course by Matt Gallaher of Knox Mason/Emilia*
*Vegan main prepared by Jenna Baker
Dessert by Emily Williams and Laurence Faber of Lesser Babka

The Good Sport Box is the brainchild of The Central Collective owners Shawn Poynter and Dale Mackey, and was created in March 2020 as a way to stay connected with our community, support local makers, and help sustain their business in a time when owning a community event venue is especially challenging. Built on the success of their Good Sport events, in which people bought tickets to an unspecified event, the GSB is a curated collection of items by local makers, sort of an adult grab bag! We're excited to collaborate with The Central Collective on this Local Food Edition, compiling a mystery box of local foods, and a few food-adjacent crafts that you can add on to your meal or purchase as a stand along item as a part of Winter-ish Warmer! Each box will be different, so get one or more! Some of the items are made by fine local businesses such as Lirio Chocolate, All-Sum Foods, and McQueen Pottery, to name a few!

Appalachian Mountain Bike Club: Spring Checkpoint Ride

  • March 1, 2021 — March 21, 2021

Category: Festivals, special events, Health, wellness and Science, nature

Can you make it to all 20 checkpoints? What will be more difficult…riding or decoding the clues? Time will tell!

Join us for our Spring Checkpoint Ride! We’ll be celebrating the coming of longer days, drier trails, and the 4th trip around the sun for our presenting sponsor and longtime supporter SoKno Taco Cantina! The ride will celebrate our spring riding opportunities both on and off trail, explore new destinations over the course of 3 weeks in this COVID friendly fundraiser for AMBC. We’re dedicated to educating trail users as well as building and maintaining the trails here Knoxville.

Passport Pickup and ON SITE registration @ SoKno Taco – March 1st – March 21st
Open Daily from 11am – 11pm
Don’t want to go inside? No worries – Order some tacos and margs to-go and add on a passport!

For just 10 Bucks you get:
Passport containing clues for 20 checkpoints
The chance to win great prizes
5+ checkpoint stamps = 1 entry into the Prize Giveaway
10+ checkpoint stamps = 3 entries into the Prize Giveaway
ALL 20 checkpoint stamps = 5 entries into the Prize Giveaway
3 weeks of fun in March

Ijams Nature Center: Virtual Weed Wrangle

  • February 27, 2021 — March 27, 2021

Category: Festivals, special events, Free event, Kids, family and Science, nature

(All Ages) From Feb. 27 through March 27, backyards, parks, roadsides, and other green spaces in Knoxville have the potential to be part of Weed Wrangle Knoxville and you'll get to lead the effort because this year's event is VIRTUAL! You can pick your own spot, pick one at Ijams, or sign up for a public workday at Ijams...anything you do will make a difference in protecting the community's native habitats and wildlife!

Ijams will provide weekly digital guides and information to not only help volunteers identify invasive species but also provide unique and fun challenges! Everyone is invited! Individuals, clubs, Scout troops, churches, and other organizations can get outside and improve their own private land or a public space. (NOTE: If choosing a public space, please first get permission from the City or County to conduct invasive removal.)

Learn more:

Ijams Nature Center, 2915 Island Home Ave, Knoxville, TN 37920.

Volunteer Princess: Tennessee River Cruises

  • February 25, 2021 — December 31, 2022

Category: Festivals, special events and Science, nature

Experience an unparalleled view of Knoxville during our public cruises! Enjoy a delightful lunch, brunch, or dinner cruise. We offer a range of public cruises for your friends and family on Knoxville’s only luxury yacht! From sunset dinner cruises to sailgates in Big Orange Country, Volunteer Princess Cruises is truly special for any event. Browse through our cruise offerings to begin your jaunt along Knoxville, Tennessee’s beautiful riverfront! Public, seasonal, and other cruises available.

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