Calendar of Events

Friday, November 19, 2021

Catron Art Gallery: Counter Carpet by Risa Hricovsky

  • October 13, 2021 — December 1, 2021

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event

Exhibit featuring works by Risa Hricovsky

Artist’s Talk at 11 a.m., Nov. 9 Catron Gallery

Risa Hricovsky is a post-discipline installation artist. Her work pushes the existing boundaries between painting and sculpture, and between art, design and craft. Risa’s artworks punctuate space through pattern, color and her use of the multiple. She received an M.F.A. from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, a post-bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a B.F.A. from Bowling Green State University. Risa has exhibited nationally and internationally and she has attended many prestigious residencies. She is an assistant professor of art at Lincoln Memorial University in Harrogate.

Walters State Morristown Campus
500 S Davy Crockett Pkwy, Morristown, TN 37813

bad water: Angelique Heidler's show Piselli

  • October 13, 2021 — November 19, 2021

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

Attraction and repulsion, innocence and violence, obsession and indifference; in her new body of work, Paris-born artist Angelique Heidler investigates the paradoxical dualities embedded within mainstream depictions of both femininity and romance. In her signature style of adorning the painted canvas with personal objects and images through collage and sublimation printing techniques, Heidler brings together these contrasting forces, highlighting their hybridity through a series of playful compositions.

Touching on themes of childlike fantasy, consumption, and indulgence, Heidler’s wide scope of aesthetic reference speaks to the highly nuanced construction of gender and the self through late-captialism’s endless horizon of media representation and branded products. The exhibition’s title, Piselli, represents Heidler’s tongue-in-cheek humour well, simultaneously referring to the Italian word for green peas as well as children’s slang for male genitalia.

BAD WATER, 320 E. Churchwell Ave, Knoxville, TN. Open during receptions & by appointment. Info:,, or

Leesa Osburn Exhibition at Stir Fry Café

  • October 3, 2021 — November 28, 2021

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

Stir Fry Café West Hills, 7240 Kingston Pike #128, Knoxville, TN 37919

Bio: My family moved from Las Vegas, Nevada in 2019 to Knoxville to enjoy the four season change of climate. I have a BA from UNLV and enjoy the ability to paint around the East Tennessee area. Mostly I paint landscapes, seascapes, animals, and pet portraits. I belong to Fountain City Art Guild, Tennessee Artist Association, and Tuesday Painters, a Plein Air Group. To see examples of my work, please see website:

Oak Ridge Art Center: Open Show 2021

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event

The community is invited to the opening reception on Saturday, October 2 from 7 to 9 PM. The gallery talk will be held at 6:30 PM.

Celebrating visual artists in the area! The 2021 exhibition will be the 53rd show in the series, It is one of the longest running juried exhibitions in East Tennessee. Open Show 2021 will be exhibited from October 2 through November 27 in the Art Center’s galleries at 201 Badger Avenue in Oak Ridge.

Open Show is intended to showcase the diversity and range of excellent work being created by regional artists in a wide variety of media. Awards for this year’s show total $3,200.

Guests viewing Open Show can read the juror comment cards to discover what the juror considered when selecting the work into the exhibition. Here guests at a previous Open Show listen to the gallery talk that precedes the opening reception. It is an opportunity to learn more about the juror’s comments criteria.

Closed Thanksgiving Day
Oak Ridge Art Center, 201 Badger Avenue, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. Hours: Tu-F 9-5, Sa-M 1-4. Information: 865-482-1441,

RED Gallery: Voodoo Rocket by Kevin Bradley

  • October 1, 2021 — December 31, 2021

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

New work from the Voodoo Rocket - Institute of Advanced Typographic Research

We will be open every Friday and a few other dates to be determined (check Social Media).

If you stop by the office of Robin Easter next door, they can provide access during the M-F 9-5 work hours, or after hours by appointment.
132 W Jackson Ave | Knoxville TN 37902 |

Rala: Work by Tim Hooper

  • October 1, 2021 — November 28, 2021

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event


We are excited to announce Mr. Hooper Art as our First Friday artist for the months of October and November! Tim Hooper is a self-trained painter based in Nashville, who takes inspiration from cartoon art, folk art, and pop surrealism. All paintings are one of a kind originals.

Please join us for the show opening. Mr. Hooper's work will be on display October 1st through November 28th.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, we are requiring that masks be worn inside the store. Thank you for helping us stay safe!
@mrhooperart on Instagram

Rala: Regional and Local Artisans, 112 W. Jackson Ave, Knoxville, TN 37902. Information: 865-525-7888, Instagram: @ShopRala

Pellissippi State: James Agee Online Reading Series

  • September 30, 2021 — December 31, 2021

Category: Free event, Lecture, panel, Literature, spoken word, writing and Virtual

The annual James Agee Conference for Arts and Literature at Pellissippi State Community College will be held as the James Agee Online Reading Series this fall, after having been canceled due to COVID-19 in 2020.

“By rethinking the conference as an online reading series that will be available on YouTube throughout the academic year, we can reach a wider audience,” said conference founder Charles Dodd White, an author and associate professor of English at Pellissippi State. “We are encouraging instructors to use it in their classrooms, but the entire series is free and open to the public as well.”

White, whose 2020 novel “How Fire Runs” won a 2021 Independent Publishers gold medal for Best Regional Fiction – South, created the James Agee Conference six years ago to give Pellissippi State students an opportunity to attend a scholarly conference while also celebrating the literature, culture and arts of Appalachia.

While the online reading series continues in the spirit of the James Agee Conference, White noted that an online reading series allows Pellissippi State to expand the featured writers beyond Appalachia to the general Southeast. Their readings will be recorded, not live, and will include the authors’ thoughts on writing and publishing in addition to sharing from their books.

The three authors on tap this fall include:

• Crystal Wilkinson, Kentucky’s Poet Laureate and the award-winning author of “Perfect Black,” “The Birds of Opulence,” “Water Street” and “Blackberries, Blackberries.” Her reading will premiere Sept. 30.
• Ravi Howard, author of two books of fiction, “Driving the King” and “Like Trees, Walking,” which won the Ernest J. Gaines Award for Literary Excellence. His reading will premiere Oct. 30.
• Jim Minick, author of five books, including “The Blueberry Years: A Memoir of Farm and Family,” winner of the SIBA Best Nonfiction Book of the Year Award. His reading will premiere Nov. 30.

For more about each featured author and the link to their readings, please visit

Leesa Osburn Exhibition at Smilin' Jack's Cafe

  • September 29, 2021 — December 31, 2021

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

I have lived overseas while in the Army and most recently 14 years in Las Vegas, Nevada. The last two years, my family has been getting acquainted with East Tennessee. Knoxville has been so welcoming, it is quickly becoming our home. Mostly, I paint in water based oils in a fairly realistic style. My subject matter is mostly landscapes, seascapes, animals & insects, and pets. I belong to Fountain City Art Guild, Tennessee Artist Association, and Tuesday Painters, a Plein Air Group. To see examples of my work, please see website:

Smilin' Jack's is open Monday through Wednesday 11-4, and Thursday through Saturday 11-7.
4620 Mill Branch Lane, Knoxville, TN 37938 in Halls Crossroads

McClung Museum: Ornithological Quadrupeds

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

Ornithological Quadrupeds features prints from Beauvais Lyons, University of Tennessee Chancellor’s Professor of Art, Beauvais Lyons. Lyons’ whimsical prints, which are a companion display to Between the Hand and Sky: The Art of Elizabeth Gould, draw on the tradition of natural history illustration by artists including Elizabeth Gould and John James Audubon.

The museum is open from 9 am to 5 pm Tuesdays through Saturdays. As part of the University of Tennessee, we adhere to UTK's COVID19 policies.

McClung Museum of Natural History and Culture, 1327 Circle Park Dr on the UT campus, Knoxville, TN 37996. Information: 865-974-2144

Central Filling Station

  • August 27, 2021 — December 31, 2022

Category: Culinary arts, food and Kids, family

Central Filling Station is Tennessee's first full-service food truck park! We are a family-friendly, dog-friendly neighborhood hangout featuring a daily rotation of the city’s best food trucks and craft beverages. Welcome to Knoxville’s most unique outdoor dining experience!

Wednesday & Thursday 5-9p
Friday & Saturday 11a-10p
Sunday 11a-9p

900 N. Central Street | Knoxville, TN

McClung Museum: Between the Hand and Sky: The Art of Elizabeth Gould

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Free event and History, heritage

Elizabeth Gould (1804–1840) is best known as the lifelong assistant of her husband John Gould. Together the couple published a series of ornithological texts chronicling thousands of bird species. However, Elizabeth Gould was more than just the assistant to or wife of her husband. Elizabeth’s artistic contributions to ornithology have been chronically underrepresented, though she is responsible for some of the most important illustrations of birds ever published. During her lifetime, she designed and lithographed more than 650 natural history illustrations. This exhibition of more than thirty lithographs and books seeks to bring Elizabeth Gould to the forefront and acknowledge her life’s work and artistic contributions.

The museum is open from 9 am to 5 pm Tuesdays through Saturdays. As part of the University of Tennessee, we adhere to UTK's COVID19 policies.

McClung Museum of Natural History and Culture, 1327 Circle Park Dr on the UT campus, Knoxville, TN 37996. Information: 865-974-2144

Zoo Knoxville: Keeper Chats

Category: Festivals, special events and Science, nature

We’re excited to be bringing back our keeper chats, which gives you the opportunity to get to know more about the animals and meet the keepers who care for them. It’s a great way to learn more about the conservation work being done at Zoo Knoxville and learn how you can be part of the mission to save animals from extinction. Currently offered throughout the zoo each Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Schedule subject to change.

Explore Keeper Chats:

Zoo Knoxville, 3500 Knoxville Zoo Drive, Knoxville, TN 37914. Open every day except Christmas. Information: 865-637-5331,

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