Calendar of Events
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Knoxville Botanical Garden and Arboretum: Story Time In The Garden
Category: Kids, family, Literature, spoken word, writing and Science, nature
Every Wednesday. The goal is to integrate education, nature crafts, and physical activity in order to promote healthier living. Come read a book with us, and let's promote healthier living! Free and open to all pre-school aged children and their parents.
Knoxville Botanical Garden and Arboretum, 2743 Wimpole Ave, Knoxville, TN 37914. Hours: Gardens open daily from dawn to dusk. Information: 865-862-8717,
American Museum of Science and Energy: Images by Marine Photographer Joe O'Donnell
Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Science, nature
February 1 - July 28 "JAPAN 1945: IMAGES BY U.S. MARINE PHOTOGRAPHER JOE O'DONNELL" is a traveling exhibition organized by the Tennessee State Museum that showcases 22 of the most compelling images to document the aftermath of U.S. bombing raids on the Japanese cities struck by the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Artifacts and explanatory panels complete the exhibition. AMSE Lobby.
American Museum of Science & Energy, 300 S. Tulane Avenue, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. Hours: Monday-Saturday 9AM-5PM; Sunday 1-5PM. Information: 865-576-3200,
Knoxville Swing Dance Association at the Laurel Theatre
Category: Classes, workshops and Dance, movement
Dedicated to the purpose of promoting swing dance.
Wednesdays, lessons at 7:00 PM, open dance at 8:00 PM. Call 865-224-6830 for information.
Laurel Theater, 1538 Laurel Ave., Knoxville.