Calendar of Events
Saturday, October 12, 2013
GO! Contemporary Dance Works: Full Spectrum

Category: Dance, movement and Kids, family
GO! Contemporary Dance Works will present this evening of contemporary ballet and modern dance at the Clarence Brown Theatre on Saturday, Oct 12 at 7:00 PM and Sunday, Oct 13 at 3:00 PM. This will be a rich performance of memorable work that will expand upon the boundaries of dance with jazzy, heavy metal, and tribal influenced ballets as well as visiting spiritual and physical realms of contemporary dance.
Advance ticket prices are $16 adult and $12 for children, students, and seniors. $18/$14 if purchased at the door. Call 865-539-2475, or online at
UT School of Music: 7th Annual Viola Celebration

Category: Classes, workshops, Kids, family and Music
The University of Tennessee School of Music is proud to announce that the 7th Annual Viola Celebration will be held October 12-13, 2013.
It's registration time for the University of Tennessee School of Music's 7th Annual Viola Celebration! The Viola Celebration is a workshop for violists of all ages and abilities, and includes master classes with renowned violists, performances by guest artists, participation in the All-Viola Orchestra, and more! This is the first year the workshop will charge a "small" fee. Pre-registration is required.
This year, we are honored to present the following violists as our guest faculty for the 7th Anniversary Viola Celebration:
Ivo-Jan van der Werff - Rice University
Andy Braddock - Western Kentucky University
Timothy Deighton - Penn State University
Michael Kimber - Coe College
Juliet White-Smith - The Ohio State University
Registration opens at noon EST on September 1, 2013.
For more information or to register, visit
For questions not answered by our website, please e-mail
Ijams Nature Center: Fall Fairy House Festival

Category: Festivals, special events, Kids, family and Science, nature
(All ages) Celebrate the beautiful autumn weather by building natural abodes for your woodland friends! You can choose to construct a fairy house, gnome home or even a hobbit hole! We will provide all the natural materials you will need; you just need to supply your endless creativity and imagination. Participants are invited to bring a picnic lunch to enjoy in the fairy grove after the event! The fee for this program is $10 per building site. Please call (865) 577-4717, ext. 110 to register.
Ijams Nature Center, 2915 Island Home Ave, Knoxville, TN 37920. Hours: Grounds and trails open during daylight hours. Call for Visitor Center hours. Information: 865-577-4717,
4th Annual Elvis Extravaganza (Benefit for Veterans) at Renaissance Center
Category: Fundraisers and Music
The 4th Annual Elvis Extravaganza will feature four of the top Elvis Presley Tribute Artists in the world. Each tribute artist will perform for thirty minutes in a stage show style performance piece as The King of Rock n Roll. Location for the event is the Kingsport Renaissance Center, 1200 East Center Street, Kingsport, TN 37660.
The Kingsport Renaissance Center is a facility which serves the community as a center for the arts and senior citizen's activities, and as a facility for business meetings, parties, receptions, classes, showers, and day long seminars with breakout rooms. It is managed by the City of Kingsport's Cultural Services Division as part of Parks and Recreation. The facility includes a 350-seat theatre, three-story sky lit atrium, art gallery, gymnasium, meeting rooms and offices. The Kingsport Renaissance Center, formerly the John Sevier School, was renovated in 1991 and now stands as one of Kingsport's most prominent landmarks. ETA Ronnie Miller from Maryville, TN will be hosting and co-hosting will be Kingston, TN's own ETA Jim Fields. Also starring in person as Elvis Presley, with a full concert style show, will be Doug Thompson from Pigeon Forge, TN and Terry Turner from Lincoln, AL. A great portion of the proceeds from this show will go to benefit the East Tennessee Veterans Association. Last year over $2,000 was raised for the Veteran's.
CONTACT: Missy Miller (865) 684-6082, Mary Sue Fields (423) 863-6843,
East Tennessee Historical Society: Genealogy Workshop

Category: Classes, workshops and History, heritage
Introductory Internet Genealogy
Details TBA
East Tennessee Historical Society, 601 S. Gay Street, Knoxville, TN 37902. Museum hours: Monday-Friday: 9AM-4PM; Saturday: 10AM-4PM; Sunday: 1-5PM. Information: 865-215-8824,
Knoxville Botanical Garden and Arboretum: 2nd Saturday Volunteer Day

Category: Kids, family and Science, nature
Knoxville Botanical Garden and Arboretum, 2743 Wimpole Ave, Knoxville, TN 37914. Hours: Gardens open daily from dawn to dusk. Information: 865-862-8717,
UT School of Music: Viola Celebration Faculty Concert

Category: Free event and Music
UT faculty Hillary Herndon and guest violists Ivo-Jan van der Werff, Andy Braddock, Timothy Deighton, Igor Fedotov, Michael Kimber, Juliet White-Smith. Free concert, open to public.
At the Sandra Powell Recital Hall, Natalie Haslam Music Center, 1741 Volunteer Blvd on the UT campus. Unless otherwise noted, concerts are FREE and open to the public. *For individual or small group performances, please check the web site or call the day of the event for updates or cancellations: 865-974-5678,
Pumpkintown 2013
Category: Festivals, special events, History, heritage and Kids, family
Come see why over 14,000 visitors call Pumpkintown their favorite fall event!
*Cherokee Gathering*Living History/Heritage Row Demonstrators*National Pickleball Tournament*Historical Scavenger Hunt*African American-Living Heritage Museum Quilt Shows*Famous Mutt Strutt/Doggie Costume Contest*Over 150 Food and Crafts Booths*Great Local Shopping*Habitat for Humanity Pancake Breakfast*Petting Zoo & Alpacas, too! Lots to see!
Celebrate the 10th Annual Pumpkintown and Commemorate the 175th Anniversary of the Trail of Tears. Step back in time & visit Heritage Row to see period reenactors and demonstrators in action!
Saturday, October 12, 2013 - 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Historic Downtown Athens,Tennessee
Tennessee Theatre: Tango Fire

Category: Dance, movement and Music
The passionate music and fiery dance of the Tango have undergone a renaissance in recent years, a testament to its ability to capture the imagination of lovers of music and dance around the world – erotic, seductive, and irresistible. The Tango Fire Company of Buenos Aires brings this smoldering art form to the stage with twelve spectacular dancers and a quartet of brilliant musicians, tracing the history of the art form from its origin on the streets of Buenos Aires through its evolution into contemporary ballroom styles.
In addition to buying tickets at the Central Ticket Office in the University Center on campus and at the Tennessee Theatre box office, they can now be purchased online! The website is General admission tickets are $35.00 and $45.00. Student tickets are $5.00. To purchase a student ticket, click on the ‘Student’ tab at the top after clicking to buy tickets for this event.
Tennessee Theatre, 604 S. Gay Street, Knoxville, TN 37902. For information: 865-684-1200,
City of Knoxville: Centennial Conservation Expo
Category: Festivals, special events, Free event, History, heritage, Kids, family and Science, nature
The City of Knoxville is proud to present the Centennial Conservation Expo. The Expo will mark the 100th anniversary of the 1913 National Conservation Exposition and celebrate a century of conservation in East Tennessee.
History! Nature! Games! Boxing! All this and more will be on hand for public enjoyment at the Centennial Conservation Expo in Chilhowee Park! The Expo will run from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 12th. Parking and admission are free!
The grounds outside the Jacob Building will feature children’s games and activities, live music, educational displays, paddleboarding on the Chilhowee Park lake, tree-climbing, circus performers and conservation-themed storytimes. Opening ceremonies on the main stage at 11 a.m., with keynote speaker Leila Pinchot along with Mayor Madeline Rogero and a special appearance by President Theodore Roosevelt.
Inside the Jacob Building, you will find environmental and historical displays from dozens of local and regional conservation groups, as well as art exhibits, lectures and slide presentations, a climbing wall and the amazing animals of Dr. Hokes!
Plus: Exhibition boxing matches all day at the Golden Gloves Arena!
Come to the Centennial Conservation Expo — a once-in-a-century experience!
Barber Houses Of Parkridge Home Tour
Category: Festivals, special events and History, heritage
The Historic Parkridge neighborhood in Knoxville will be hosting the 2013 Barber Houses of Parkridge Home Tour. Present-day Parkridge encompasses Barber’s Edgewood subdivision which contains many houses built according to early Barber designs, including his own home. The Barber Houses of Parkridge Home Tour invites guests inside six historic homes, and offers a guided walking tour of Barber homes not open to the public. George F. Barber was a prominent and prolific American “pattern book” architect of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Barber created and sold plans for residences that were built across the United States and in several other countries. He was unique among American architects in creating great architecture for so many different clients. Barber’s firm was in Knoxville and the largest collection of Barber-designed homes is in Knoxville. Barber was known for working with clients to customize his designs to their tastes and needs. As a result, many Barber houses do not exactly match the designs in his pattern books. Tickets are $10 per person and children under 12 are admitted free. Parking is available at Ashley Nicole Park, 620 Winona Street, 37917. Tickets may be purchased in advance at, or tickets may be purchased until 4 p.m. the day of the tour at Ashley Nicole Park. Walking is necessary and many houses have steps.
CONTACT: Suzanne Kolzer, Committee Chair/Parkridge Community Organization Board,, Phone: 865-297-3496
Knoxville Writers Guild: Pam Strickland

Category: Lecture, panel and Literature, spoken word, writing
Pam Strickland, popular op-ed political columnist for the "Knoxville News Sentinel," will teach a workshop in how to write opinion columns from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Oct. 12 at the Stone House on the grounds of Church of the Savior, 934 North Weisgarber Road. Sponsored by the Knoxville Writers' Guild, cost is $35 for KWG members and $40 for nonmembers.
Strickland said the event will help writers focus their opinions by find the hook that will make readers care about even the most esoteric issue.
Strickland encourages participants to submit via email a few ideas for columns for discussion. A former government and political newspaper reporter and a high school and college instructor, Strickland has contributed creative nonfiction essays to a number of anthologies including the forthcoming, “Tennessee Women of Vision and Courage.” She is also a freelance editor and writing coach. She can be emailed at
Cash and check are payment options the day of the event. A PayPal link will be available on the website soon.
To register for the workshop, visit or send your check to KWG Workshops, P.O. Box 10326, Knoxville TN 37939-0326.