Calendar of Events
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Jubilee Community Arts: Epworth Old Harp Singers

Category: Free event, History, heritage and Music
Monthly singing the second Sunday of each month as announced. Call Tina Becker, 865 982-7777 to confirm.
All are invited and encouraged to sing. No experience is necessary and loaner books are provided.
6:30-8:00PM, Laurel Theater, 1538 Laurel Ave Knoxville, TN 37916 for more information.
THE AMAZING KRESKIN, Ghost Sightings in East Tennessee!

THE AMAZING KRESKIN, Ghost Sightings in East Tennessee! Sunday October 13, 4:00pm
With a showman's flair, a comedian's wit, and the capacities of a bona fide Mentalist or thought reader, The Amazing Kreskin has, for 5 decades, dramatized the unique facets of the human mind, his own! His very name has become an integral part of pop culture throughout the world, invoked in comedy clubs, comic strips, print stories, and TV shows. When Johnny Carson played the character "Carnac the Magnificent" on the "Tonight Show", he was spoofing the Amazing Kreskin. Kreskin a favorite guest on Johnny's show and Merv Griffin has also been a regular on Howard Stern, David Letterman, "Regis & Kathy Lee" and many others. Currently he makes frequent appearances on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon," and "Mike Huckabee.".
Additionally for this visit to the Oak Ridge Theater, Kreskin will have a ghost sighting by audience members on stage of spirits that haunt East Tennessee! For over 50 years Kreskin has been telling people things about themselves that only they or a close friend could possibly know!
The Historic GROVE Theater, 123 Randolph Road, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Tickets are available through are available through, by phone 865-656-4444 or toll free 877-995-9961, in person at Knoxville Tickets outlets or at the door.
UT School of Music: Viola Celebration Finale Concert

Category: Free event and Music
Participants and faculty of the 2012 Viola Celebration perform in an All-Viola Orchestra. Free concert, open to public.
At the Sandra Powell Recital Hall, Natalie Haslam Music Center, 1741 Volunteer Blvd on the UT campus. Unless otherwise noted, concerts are FREE and open to the public. *For individual or small group performances, please check the web site or call the day of the event for updates or cancellations: 865-974-5678,
McClung Museum: Can You Dig It? Archaeology and Fossil Day

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Free event, History, heritage and Kids, family
In celebration of International Archaeology Day and National Fossil Day, the McClung Museum of Natural History and Culture, University of Tennessee, and the Archaeological Institute of America, East Tennessee Society, are hosting an afternoon event. It’s a day for community members to gather together and learn about the many sides of archaeology. Visitors may bring in artifacts and animal bones to be identified by UT staff and graduate students. There will be several archaeology-related activities for children and opportunities for families to learn more about regional, national, and international archaeological projects researched and excavated by UT staff and students. Professors and graduate students will happily answer questions about archaeology and paleontology. The day’s activities are a part of other scheduled events taking place around the world throughout the month of October. Events will take place in the museum’s lobby and various galleries. The event is free and open to the public. Can You Dig It? is a Penny 4 the Arts Event, so we warmly encourage families, children, and students to attend.
McClung Museum of Natural History and Culture, 1327 Circle Park Dr on the UT campus, Knoxville, TN 37996. Hours: Monday-Saturday, 9AM-5PM; Sunday, 1-5PM. Information: 865-974-2144,
GO! Contemporary Dance Works: Full Spectrum

Category: Dance, movement and Kids, family
GO! Contemporary Dance Works will present this evening of contemporary ballet and modern dance at the Clarence Brown Theatre on Saturday, Oct 12 at 7:00 PM and Sunday, Oct 13 at 3:00 PM. This will be a rich performance of memorable work that will expand upon the boundaries of dance with jazzy, heavy metal, and tribal influenced ballets as well as visiting spiritual and physical realms of contemporary dance.
Advance ticket prices are $16 adult and $12 for children, students, and seniors. $18/$14 if purchased at the door. Call 865-539-2475, or online at
UT School of Music: 7th Annual Viola Celebration

Category: Classes, workshops, Kids, family and Music
The University of Tennessee School of Music is proud to announce that the 7th Annual Viola Celebration will be held October 12-13, 2013.
It's registration time for the University of Tennessee School of Music's 7th Annual Viola Celebration! The Viola Celebration is a workshop for violists of all ages and abilities, and includes master classes with renowned violists, performances by guest artists, participation in the All-Viola Orchestra, and more! This is the first year the workshop will charge a "small" fee. Pre-registration is required.
This year, we are honored to present the following violists as our guest faculty for the 7th Anniversary Viola Celebration:
Ivo-Jan van der Werff - Rice University
Andy Braddock - Western Kentucky University
Timothy Deighton - Penn State University
Michael Kimber - Coe College
Juliet White-Smith - The Ohio State University
Registration opens at noon EST on September 1, 2013.
For more information or to register, visit
For questions not answered by our website, please e-mail
The District Gallery: Photographs of Paris by Ben Finch and Adel Chefridi Jewelry Show
Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Fine Crafts
The District Gallery is pleased to present a photographic journey through Paris as seen through the lens of photographer Ben Finch. PARIS: A Journey on Film features classic scenes of Paris and modern views of iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. Finch also captures common details of everyday French culture and turns them into memorable images with his timeless aesthetic and traditional film photography.
An opening reception will be held on Friday, October 11 from 5:30-9 p.m. with pastries by the French Market. The show continues through November 9.
A jewelry show by Adel Chefridi will also open on October 11. Chefridi’s designs emphasize simplicity, wearability, durability, and openness to light and movement. Made with natural gemstones, his elegant pieces have a friendly and peaceful feel that make them wearable every day.
The District Gallery, (865) 200-4452,
Art Guild at Fairfield Glade: Fall Awards Art Show and Reception

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event
The public is invited to the reception and opening of the Annual Fall Awards Art Show on October 11 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the Plateau Arts Center (PCAC). The theme of the show is Wild about Art. Artists of the Art Guild at Fairfield Glade will submit their original work to be judged on this theme in the following categories: Watercolor and acrylic under glass, Oil and acrylic not under glass, Mixed media, Pastel, Colored pencil drawing, Black and white drawing, Photography, Three dimensional, and Jewelry. Awards will be given for each category. This year's judge is Bobbie Crews of Knoxville. The reception will include refreshments viewing of the new show, and presentation of awards.
Plateau Creative Arts Center, 451 Lakeview Drive, Fairfield Glade, TN 38558. Hours: M-F 9AM-4PM; Saturday-Sunday 1-4PM. Information: 931-707-7249;
Museum of Appalachia: Tennessee Fall Homecoming

Category: Dance, movement, Festivals, special events, History, heritage, Kids, family and Music
Featuring more than 400 traditional musicians, singers, cloggers, and buck dancers. The three-day Homecoming is one of the nation’s largest, most authentic music and folk festivals. Each day, all day, musicians perform on five unique stages, filling the air with bluegrass, old-time, Southern Gospel and Americana music. Homecoming includes historic demonstrations of mountain skills, Revolutionary War and Civil War encampments, and a large arts and crafts fair featuring authentic Appalachian artisans. Pinto beans cooked over an open fire, home-made ice cream, Dutch oven cobbler, sassafras tea and bar-b-que, are some of the southern delicacies available for purchase.
Making their first appearance at Homecoming are Blue Highway, The Box Cars, Chris Jones & The Night Drivers and The Dale Ann Bradley Band. The 2013 lineup also includes returning favorites, Russell Moore & IIIrd Tyme Out, Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver, The Grascals, Blue Moon Rising, and Brand New Strings, plus scores of local and regional performers. Fall Heritage Day, with special interactive programs for schoolchildren, is Thursday, Oct. 10th. This day of traditional music, historical games, and hands-on pioneer activities is designed for public and private school groups, home-schooled groups, and individual parents and children. Three-day Homecoming tickets include admission to Fall Heritage Day. The Museum offers a picturesque backdrop for this annual festival, with dozens of historic log buildings, display halls filled with authentic artifacts, and gardens and farm animals, surrounded by split-rail fences. A self-guided tour of the Museum and parking is included in Homecoming admission.
All Homecoming proceeds further the Museum’s mission to preserve Appalachian history and heritage. A non-profit organization since 2003, the Museum is an official affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution. Museum of Appalachia, 2819 Andersonville Hwy., Clinton, TN 37716 (16 miles north of Knoxville at I-75, exit 122, then one mile east). Open every day except Thanksgiving and Christmas. Information: 865-494-7680,
Circle Modern Dance: Workshop with Danah Bella

Category: Classes, workshops and Dance, movement
Circle Modern Dance is pleased to continue it’s bi-annual workshop with a weekend long workshop with Danah Bella, artistic director and founder of d a n a h b e l l a DanceWorks and Professor of Dance at Radford University. Danah Bella’s work explores the interaction and interplay of corporal, psychic, and social spaces through and with movement. In Danah’s work the body becomes the primary tool to investigate how we produce/interpret knowledge and signify our sense of being in the world. She received her MFA in Performance from the Ohio State University and her BA in Dance from the University of California Santa Barbara where she studied under such distinguished artists as Bebe Miller, Tere O’Connor, Christopher Pilafian, and Jerry Pearson. Her work has been presented in festivals throughout the country including the Cool New York Festival in New York, the United States of Asian American Festival in San Francisco, and the Bates Dance Festival in Maine, as well as in Mexico and Italy. In addition to dbDW she collaborates with colectivo caliban, an artistic collective that transgresses borders.
The workshop will be held in the Annex Space in the Emporium building (in the lower level of 100 N. Gay St):
Friday October 11th, 7-9pm
Saturday October 12th 2-4pm
Sunday October 13th, 2-4pm
Dancers can register for the workshop online at or contact CMD at to participate. Individual classes are $25, or $20 with pre registration, and the full workshop is $50, or $45 with pre registration. All dancers are welcomed by CMD to join Danah Bella’s workshop! Remember you knee pads!
Circle Modern Dance: (865) 309.5309,
Knoxville Zoo: Boo! at the Zoo

Category: Festivals, special events, Kids, family and Science, nature
Celebrate the most spooktacular time of the year with your little monster
at Knoxville’s largest Halloween event! BOO! at the Zoo presented by U.S. Cellular® kicks off 12 nights of safe and not-too-scary Halloween fun Thursday, Oct. 10-13 and continuing Thursday through Sunday, Oct. 17-20 and Thursday through Sunday, Oct. 24- 37, from 5:30-8:00 p.m. each evening.
BOO! at the Zoo, a Halloween tradition for 27 years, is a family event featuring devilishly good music and games at the Monster Mash tent in The Clayton Family Kids Cove, friendly costumed characters throughout the zoo, and the only “haunted” carousel in East Tennessee, the Scary-Go-Round. (How can you tell it’s haunted? It goes backwards, of course.)
One of the highlights of BOO! at the Zoo is trick-or-treating along the BOO! Trail, where little trick-or-treaters can fill their bag with goodies as they make their way through the zoo. Each night of BOO! at the Zoo will also feature a variety of entertainment, from dancers and jugglers to out-of-this-world STAR WARS characters. For updated information about each evening’s activities, visit the zoo’s Facebook page at
Boo! at the Zoo tickets are $7 per person. Children under two are admitted free. Parking is $5. Tickets are available at in advance by phone at (865) 637-5331, online at and at the zoo’s ticket office during regular zoo hours.
Knoxville Zoo members receive a $2 discount on admission purchased online, by phone or at the zoo’s ticket window and free parking. U.S. Cellular customers can show their U.S. Cellular phone and receive $2 off BOO! at the Zoo admission.
Tickets for BOO! at the Zoo can also be purchased at all Knoxville area Kroger stores. (Member discounts and U.S. Cellular customer discounts not available at Kroger locations.)
Thursdays-Sundays: Oct. 10-13, 17-20 and 24-27
Knoxville Zoo, 3500 Knoxville Zoo Drive, Knoxville, TN 37914. Open every day except Christmas. Information: 865-637-5331,
Appalachian Arts Craft Center: Fall Porch Sale

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Festivals, special events, Fine Crafts and Free event
The Appalachian Arts Craft Center in Norris will hold its Fall Porch Sale starting Thursday, Oct. 10, and running for about two weeks. The Porch Sale, held each Spring and Fall, features outdated stock, seconds, student crafts and unjuried work by members of the Craft Center. It’s an excellent time to get great deals. This year we’ll also have handmade baked goods for sale while they last.
Appalachian Arts Craft Center: 2716 Andersonville Highway, Clinton, TN. Hours: Monday-Saturday 10AM-6PM; Sunday 1-5PM. Closed Sunday and Monday in January and February. Information: 865-494-9854,