Calendar of Events
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Mighty Mud: Bagels and Bowls!
Category: Classes, workshops, Festivals, special events and Fine Crafts
Instructor: Anais Lux
Join Anais Lux and Mighty Mud Studios for a Sunday morning of wheel thrown pottery and a light breakfast of bagels, spreads, and coffee. Great for first-timers, learn to make functional pottery pieces such as mugs, bowls and cups. All students will have two finished pieces to pick up two weeks after class. Gluten-free toast will be provided in lieu of bagels for gluten-free students.
$50.00 - All Materials Provided, Coffee & Tea Provided
Mighty Mud, 127 Jennings Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37917. Hours: Tu-F 11-6, Sat 9-5. Open studio time on Thu 6-9. Information: 865-595-1900,
Sundress Academy for the Arts: Reading Series
Category: Free event and Literature, spoken word, writing
The Sundress Reading Series presents Andres Rojas, Remi Recchia, and Alyssa Molina
Andres Rojas is the author of the chapbook Looking For What Isn’t There (Paper Nautilus Debut Series winner, 2019) and of the audio chapbook The Season of the Dead (EAT Poems, 2016). His poetry has been featured in the Best New Poets series and has most recently appeared or is forthcoming in, among others, AGNI, Barrow Street, Colorado Review, Massachusetts Review, New England Review, and Poetry Northwest.
Remi Recchia is a transgender poet playwright from Kalamazoo, Michigan. He holds an MFA in Poetry from Bowling Green State University, where he served as Assistant Poetry Editor for the Mid-American Review and taught Creative Writing. Remi is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Creative Writing at Oklahoma State University. His work has appeared in Barzakh Magazine, Pittsburgh Poetry Review, Front Porch, Gravel, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, and Haverthorn Press, among others, and he may be found on Twitter at @steambbcrywolf.
Alyssa Molina is a Knoxville-based poet and is a senior in her undergrad at the University of Tennessee studying creative writing. Alyssa was born and raised in Miami, “Little Havana,” FL, as her Cuban family says. Being first generation American, she is profoundly inspired by the tenacity of her family’s immigration story, their will to survive, and her hispanic culture. Alyssa is loud and proud with a laugh that is often heard before she is seen. If she isn’t laughing, she’s trying to make others laugh with elaborate stories. She was a traveling poet with The Fifth Woman in 2017-2018, and performed at Bonnaroo. Molina has hosted four poetry workshops with Marilyn Kallet, Seed Lynn, Daje Morris, and most currently with Sundress Academy for the Arts. Alyssa defines happiness as bare feet, a cigar, and salsa dancing.
The Sundress Reading Series is free and open to the public!
Our readings take place monthly on Sundays at 1PM at Hexagon Brewing Company, 1002 Dutch Valley Dr, Knoxville, TN 37918. Find our more or to view some of our past readers and schedules, visit us at:
Knoxville Museum of Art: Second Sunday Docent Tours & Art Activities

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Free event, Kids, family and Lecture, panel
Each Second Sunday of the month at 2pm, docents offer free guided tours of Higher Ground, Currents, and traveling exhibitions to the public with tours available in Spanish as well.
From 1-4pm there are art activities for all ages!
Knoxville Museum of Art, 1050 World's Fair Park Dr, Knoxville, TN 37916. Hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 10AM-5PM, Sunday, 1-5PM. Information: 865-525-6101,
Arrowmont: Meet the Artists
Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Fundraisers
Save the date, Sunday, November 10, for Arrowmont’s fall celebration of artists and their work. Enjoy fine food, good company, and great art. Talk with artists and discover what inspires their work. Auction artists include:
Cocktail reception begins at 5:30 pm followed by dinner and live auction.
Individual tickets are $175.
Harper Audi, 9735 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37922
Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, 556 Parkway, Gatlinburg, TN 37738. Information: 865-436-5860,
Dr. Marilyn Kallet: Writing With the Mishpoka
Category: Classes, workshops, Free event and Literature, spoken word, writing
4 PM at Heska Amuna
Adult education program. Free and open to the public. Contact: Abraham Brietstein,
Tennessee Theatre: Cleopatra (film)
Category: Film, Free event and Music
Moviegoers will travel back in time and see these classics, as they should be: in a historic theater originally built as a movie palace surrounded by other movie-lovers, enjoying some popcorn and a cold drink. Come experience some of your favorite classics on the big screen! Prior to each screening, hear the Mighty Wurlitzer organ fill the auditorium with magnificent music.
Join us for free screenings of “Dracula” on October 6, “Cleopatra” on November 10, and “It’s a Wonderful Life” on December 15.
Doors at 2 PM, show at 3 PM
Tennessee Theatre, 604 S. Gay Street, Knoxville, TN 37902. For information/tickets: 865-684-1200,,
McClung Museum's Civil War Bus Tour: History in Brass and Stone
Category: Fundraisers and History, heritage
Join McClung Museum of Natural History and Culture for History in Brass and Stone: Remembering Knoxville’s Military Heritage. Joan Markel, curator of civil war history, will lead this special Veterans Day-themed version of our popular Civil War bus tours. Attendees will observe how the "Volunteer" legacy of military sacrifice is memorialized in obscure locations all around Knoxville.
The bus tour will include beer or cider and water compliments of Cherokee Distributing Company (for our guests over 21), a keepsake McClung koozie, soft pretzels and dip from Holly’s Eventful Dining, and the two hour tour. Each guest will also receive a facsimile booklet of Orlando Poe’s 1886 article “The Defense of Knoxville.” A portion of each ticket is tax deductible. Non-member tickets include a one year membership to the McClung Museum of Natural History and Culture. For details about membership visit our website.
Sunday, November 10, 2 - 4 p.m.
*Please arrive no later than 1:30 p.m. for check in as the bus will depart promptly at 2 p.m.
McClung Museum of Natural History and Culture, 1327 Circle Park Drive, Knoxville, TN 37996
Ticket Price: Members: $45; Non-members: $60
Note: $15 of each member ticket and $30 of each non-member ticket is a non-refundable, tax-deductible donation to the McClung Museum Support Fund.
Free parking is available on Circle Park Drive on weekends. For details visit our website.
Appalachian Arts Craft Center: Chili Supper Fundraiser
Category: Culinary arts, food, Fine Crafts, Fundraisers and Music
Appalachian Arts Craft Center (AACC) in Norris, TN is hosting its annual Chili Supper Fundraiser on November 10 at the Norris Community Building (20 Chestnut Road, Norris TN) from 5:00-7:30 pm. A chili dinner, silent auction and live music will be provided by the Blue Shadows to benefit the AACC. For more information on tickets or to make a donation, call or visit: 865.494.9854 |
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Craft Fair
Category: Culinary arts, food, Exhibitions, visual art, Festivals, special events, Fine Crafts, Free event and Kids, family
After all the Sunday masses November 10 (9 am – 1 pm), the decorated church hall of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in downtown Knoxville will be filled with local and visiting vendors with jewelry and gifts, beautiful baskets as well as home baked goodies for the holiday season.
414 W Vine Ave, Knoxville, TN 37902
Phone: 865-522-1508
Oak Ridge Symphony Orchestra: Miniature Masterpieces
Category: Kids, family and Music
Free admission for Veterans and Active Duty Military!
Location: First United Methodist Church of Oak Ridge, 1350 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Hear the string instruments and the wind instruments shining separately and then together in this concert of intimate classic masterpieces. The concert is a continuation of the orchestra’s 75th anniversary season and features music by three of Western music’s most iconic composers, Felix Mendelssohn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Franz Josef Haydn.
Youth Interest: String octet. Wind serenade. Classical orchestra. Music by Mendelssohn, Mozart and Haydn.
Adult $25. Young Adult (19-29) $10. Admission is free for Youth 18 and under. Free admission for chaperones of youth groups of 5 or more. Chaperones must call or email to reserve by 3:00 PM on the Thursday prior to the concert. Tickets available at the door, by phone or online.
Youth 18 & under attend all subscription concerts free through the Penny4Arts initiative and advertiser support. Visit for repertoire and concert information, and call 865-483-5569 for more information and to purchase tickets (also available at the door, pending availability).
Random Acts of Flowers: Flowers After Hours
Category: Classes, workshops
Thanksgiving Centerpieces - November 10th
We're thankful for another great year of delivering hope! We hope you'll join us in making festive, fall centerpieces perfect for your Thanksgiving table!
Ticket price includes container, flowers, and instruction on floral arranging.
Coffee, water, and light appetizers will be provided. BYOB for participants 21 and over.
Tickets at:
Random Acts of Flowers: Flowers After Hours
Category: Classes, workshops
Thanksgiving Centerpieces - November 10th
We're thankful for another great year of delivering hope! We hope you'll join us in making festive, fall centerpieces perfect for your Thanksgiving table!
Ticket price includes container, flowers, and instruction on floral arranging.
Coffee, water, and light appetizers will be provided. BYOB for participants 21 and over.
Tickets at: