Calendar of Events
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Stanford Eisenberg Knoxville Jewish Day School: Disney's Lion King JR.
Category: Kids, family, Music and Theatre
$8 advance purchase online, $10 at door. Children 2 and under are free.
The Stanford Eisenberg Knoxville Jewish Day School is a vibrant community school filled with joy, rooted in core Jewish values, and devoted to academic excellence. Serving the entire Knoxville community, our families are diverse in their beliefs, affiliations and observances; we work together to create a welcoming community based upon mutual respect and shared values.
At the Clayton Performing Arts Center
A Night with the Arts: A Concert in Celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Category: Free event, History, heritage, Kids, family, Music and Theatre
The Knoxville Symphony Orchestra in collaboration with the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission and The Carpetbag Theatre Inc. will present A Night with the Arts: A Concert in Celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Sunday, January 19, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. at the Tennessee Theatre. View Facebook event.
This concert, free and open to the public, is sponsored by the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission of Greater Knoxville. No tickets are required to attend this free performance.
The concert’s theme is "Let Freedom Ring: Through Social Justice, Economic Empowerment, Love, Peace & Unity.” KSO Resident Conductor James Fellenbaum conducts the Knoxville Symphony Chamber Orchestra joined by the Celebration Choir directed by Aaron Staple. The KSCO will perform Saint-Georges/ Bologne’s Symphony No. 2, Op. 11, William Still’s “Serenade,” and accompany soloists Carolyn Wilkerson, Preston Johnson, and Doris Talley. The performance will include drama and spoken word throughout the concert by members of the Carpetbag Theatre's Homegrown Ambassadors Youth Program, directed by Jonathan Clark. The Celebration Choir will perform gospel songs including “Great is Thy Faithfulness,” “Praise,” and “We Shall Overcome.”
For more information regarding the KSO, please visit or call 865-291-3310.
Sundress Reading Series: January Reading
Category: Free event and Literature, spoken word, writing
Join the Sundress Academy for the Arts for our first reading of the New Year! This month's event will be on Sunday, January 19th at 1PM at Hexagon Brewing featuring Darren C. Demaree, Erika Eckart, and our very own Nik Buhler!
Darren C. Demaree is the author of eleven poetry collections, most recently Emily As Sometimes the Forest Wants the Fire (June 2019, Harpoon Books). He is the recipient of a 2018 Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award, the Louis Bogan Award from Trio House Press, and the Nancy Dew Taylor Award from Emrys Journal. He is the Managing Editor of the Best of the Net Anthology and Ovenbird Poetry. He is currently living in Columbus, Ohio with his wife and children.
Erika Eckart is a mom, writer and high school English teacher, who lives and works just outside Chicago. Her prose poems blur the line between prose and poetry and have appeared in Double Room, Quarter After Eight, Quick Fiction, Women's Studies Quarterly, Nano Fiction and Quiditty, among others. In 2018 her book of prose poems, the tyranny of heirlooms, was released by Sundress Publications. She is currently writing a novel about a Shire horse based amusement park, a truck stop, and a race riot.
Nik Buhler is a queer, Appalachian native living in Knoxville, Tennessee. Their work has appeared in Phoenix Literary Arts Magazine and Crab Fat Magazine. When they are not writing new poems and essays with the help of their cat, Nik can be found at Firefly Farms annoying chicken and sheep into loving them back.
Hexagon Brewing, 1002 Dutch Valley Dr #101, Knoxville, TN 37918
Sundress Academy for the Arts: 865-560-6106,
Knoxville Children's Theatre: Alice in Wonderland

Category: Kids, family and Theatre
The play will be performed Thursdays and Fridays at 7 PM; Saturdays at 1 PM and 5 PM; and Sundays at 3 PM.
Knoxville Children’s Theatre will present a live stage adaptation of the beloved children’s novel “Alice in Wonderland” (with selections from “Through the Looking Glass”), by Lewis Carroll.
“Alice in Wonderland” is one of the one of the best-known and most popular works of English-language fiction featuring iconic characters that remain familiar to readers of all ages. When Alice decides to follow a talking White Rabbit down a hole, she starts an adventure that will lead her to race with a Dodo, take tea with a Mad Hatter, play croquette with the Queen of Hearts, and more. It’s a wild and crazy ride as Alice navigates the shenanigans of all the classic characters of Wonderland and desperately tries to make her way home!
Knoxville Children's Theatre, 109 E. Churchwell Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37917. Information: 865-208-3677,
Gallery 1010: I and Everything Else by Summer Fuss
Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event
Gallery 1010's first show of the semester, “I and Everything Else”, a series of abstractions by Summer Fuss.
Opening reception January, 17 from 6-9pm. Gallery open Sat 12-4 and Sun 12-4.
Gallery 1010, 1150 McCalla Ave, Knoxville, TN 37917. Information:
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission: 2020 Events
Category: Classes, workshops, Festivals, special events, Free event, History, heritage, Kids, family and Literature, spoken word, writing
We have a sundry of MLK activities throughout the week leading up to the national holiday on Monday, January 20, 2020.
We invite you to join us for as many events as your schedule will allow!
INTERFAITH PRAYER SERVICE at Community Evangelistic Church
12:00pm – 2:00pm
LEADERSHIP/AWARDS LUNCHEON at Rothchild Catering Center
FRIDAY, JANUARY 17 7:00PM – 8:30PM
YOUTH SYMPOSIUM at Austin-East Magnet High School
8:30am – 2:00pm
TEACHER IN-SERVICE TRAINING at Sarah Simpson Professional Development Technology Center
1:00pm – 2:30pm
Y.W.C.A. RACE AGAINST RACISM at Phyllis Wheatley Center
SUNDAY, JANUARY 19 6:00PM – 8:00PM
8:30am (Line-Up) 10:00am – 11:30am
MEMORIAL MARCH PARADE at Midway Chilhowee Park located on N. Beaman Street
12:00pm – 2:00pm
MEMORIAL TRIBUTE SERVICE at Overcoming Believers Church
Theatre Knoxville Downtown: Death of a Salesman
Category: Theatre
SHOW TIMES: Thu: 8:00 pm, Fri: 8:00 pm, Sat: 8:00 pm, Sun: 3:00 pm
By Arthur Miller
Winner of the 1949 Pulitzer Prize and the Tony Award for Best Play
The story revolves around the last days of Willy Loman, a failing salesman, who cannot understand how he failed to win success and happiness. Through a series of tragic soul-searching revelations of the life he has lived with his wife, his sons, and his business associates, we discover how his quest for the “American Dream” kept him blind to the people who truly loved him.
A thrilling work of deep and revealing beauty that remains one of the most profound classic dramas of the American theatre.
WARNING: Contains offensive language
Theatre Knoxville Downtown, 800 S. Central Street, Knoxville, TN 37902. Information & tickets: 865-544-1999,
Ewing Gallery: Unsustainable - a Planet in Crisis
Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event
Opening reception: 5-7:30pm, Thursday, January 9th
The Ewing Gallery is pleased to present, Unsustainable: A Planet in Crisis – a group exhibition featuring artwork ranging in material, discipline, and execution that addresses the theme of planetary crises – climate change, the rise of disease and superbugs, world conflict and national instability, plastics in the ocean, gun violence, pollution of the waterways from mining, air pollution from use of fossil fuels, the opioid crisis, and species extinction.
Participating artists are:
Michele Banks
Brandon Ballengee, PhD
Scott Chimileski, PhD + Roberto Kolter, PhD
Brandon Donahue
Lorrie Fredette
Yeon Jin Kim
Pam Longobardi
Dan Mills
John Sabraw
Karen Shaw
In conjunction with Unsustainable, artist and educator Pam Longobardi will be giving a public lecture on Thursday, January 23rd at 7:30pm on her work. Longobardi's lecture will be in McCarty Auditorium, room 109 of the Art + Architecture Building. A reception with the artist will follow in the gallery.
Pam Longobardi is an American contemporary eco artist and activist, currently living and working in Atlanta, Georgia. She is known internationally for sculptural works and installations created from plastic debris, primarily from marine and coastal environments, as a primary material. She is also a Professor of Drawing and Painting at Georgia State University. Longobardi's lecture is part of the University of Tennessee School of Art's Programming Committee Lecture Series.
Unsustainable - a Planet in Crisis was developed as part of the programming for UT's Apocalypse Semester and as a partner exhibition to Visions of the End at the McClung Museum.
The Ewing Gallery of Art and Architecture at the University of Tennessee, 1715 Volunteer Boulevard
Art and Architecture Building, Knoxville, TN 37996.
Art Market Gallery: Featuring Robert Conliffe and Patrick Deason
Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event
First Friday Reception: January 3, 5:30 – 9 p.m.
Robert Conliffe, Photographer
After 30 years in the auto industry, Robert relocated from Michigan to Knoxville, Tennessee and began a career in art. His interests have always been in exploring new methods in photography and the advent of digital imaging has presented new opportunities. His art has evolved from traditional photographic work to using digital elements and techniques in the transformation of the image. Like many photographers he has sought methods to change an image giving a personal interpretation. Starting with a photo and using techniques such as digital brush work, color manipulation, filters and many other methods to create a completely new image. Most works are built from layers with a variety of colors, patterns and images. Each layer can be displayed at a different intensity level that will project to the surface. Much of his work reflects the style of Robert Mapplethorpe’s isolated flowers. He has recently started to work with the process of “Double Exposure” this is the process of layering several photos or images together similar to collage. In general his work might be called “Enhanced Photography”. His work can be seen locally at The Art Market Gallery and The Knoxville Museum of Art. He has taken classes at Pellissippi State Community College and Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts. Most of his training has been self-directed and he has been inspired by the works of many artists.
Patrick Deason, Metal Artist, has been doing metal art since 2002. He says “ I am totally self-taught and many of my tools are made or improvised by me, as are some techniques for shaping steel. While I often repurpose scrap parts for sculptures like many metal artists, much of my work revolves around heating, hammering, and shaping steel into organic forms. Most of my work in the past has concentrated on coastal wildlife in steel, but I'll occasionally incorporate other mediums into my work or delve into kinetic sculpture.” He has won several awards at art shows, was named the Coastal Georgia Artist of the Year and featured at the Goodyear Cottage on Jekyll Island, Ga., and have had groupings of my work in galleries in North Florida and coastal Georgia.
Art Market Gallery, 422 S. Gay St, Knoxville, TN 37902. Hours: Tu-Sa 11-6, Su 1-6. Information: 865-525-5265,
TVUUC: Art by Alex Bonner and Medha Karandikar
Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event
Reception Friday, Dec. 20, 6:00 to 7:30 pm. Artists’ talks at 6:30 pm.
Art Exhibit at Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church, 2931 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37918. Free and open to the public, Gallery hours: 10 AM – 5 PM, Monday through Thursday and 10 AM – 1 PM, Sunday
Alex Bonner says, "To talk of your own work is to inevitably speak of oneself. What a collection of witches, blood-caked vultures and fruit-eating bats says about me, I'm not entirely sure. Certainly themes of folklore and mythology and animal imagery dominate my work.” Bonner begins with rough scratchings of pen or pencil on paper, which he does not share. After many other attempts, his vision is realized and finalized in ink. Bonner’s began drawing long ago, when his favorite media was a pen, and he has never cast it aside. After taking a class in printmaking at John C. Campbell Folk School, he warmed to the complexity and messiness of that medium. His undergraduate degree is in graphic design, and he is currently a graduate student in Landscape Architecture at the University of Tennessee.
Medha Karandikar brings to her work the colors and sensibilities of her home country, India. Some of her work is in a folk-art style from Western India that is a happy depiction of the daily life of simple folk. She has adapted that style to include unusual subjects and colors. Drawing is her strong suit, and the use of vivid colors is the hallmark of her paintings. Collage is a medium that Karandikar has explored extensively, and she says that her best work has always started with an absent-minded doodle. Karandikar is a self-taught artist working in multiple media and styles. Her work has been featured in several galleries in and around Knoxville as well as for ten years at James-Ben Gallery and Art Center in Greenville, TN. For more information, go to
Oak Ridge Art Center: Selections from the Permanent Collection
Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event
In this season full of holidays, family and remembrance, our collection serves to connect our current Art Center family and those who worked to sustain and preserve our program in the past. Among them are artists, collectors, and family and friends of both. Selections from the Permanent Collection will represent individuals who created, those who collected, and those who contributed to our ability to share the amazing variety and diversity of art with our regional community. Each group represents many memories—funny, fond, and maybe a few not-so-fond—of the individuals who helped make the Art Center a community asset and keep it viable for us to enjoy today.
We are assembling a group work that represents all three of these groups of people—artists, collectors and contributors. Many of the artists represented have been or were members of the Art Center, or have been associated with our program. Others have been, or were, instructors at the Art Center and/or have shown with us in their careers.
We will have a wealth of wonderful pieces to represent the collectors in our midst. Lovingly collected by members and individuals from around the region the pieces were later donated to the Art Center to leave a lasting impact on the cultural tenor of our region. Work included in this group are both regional and international in scope. Sharing these works with our visitors and their delight in viewing work of this caliber in our area is very special. This promises to be a delightful walk down memory lane with some of our favorite people and their memories.
Oak Ridge Art Center, 201 Badger Avenue, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. Hours: Tu-F 9-5, Sa-M 1-4. Information: 865-482-1441,
Awaken Coffee: Photography by Austin Bradford
Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event
Awaken Coffee will host an opening reception for Austin Bradford Friday, Dec. 6 from 6-9 pm.
Austin's passion is photography and he specializing in landscapes and portraits.
Please join us for some amazing photos, light refreshments and of course great coffee!
Awaken Coffee is a live music venue, espresso bar, craft beer & wine bar and organic restaurant in the heart of downtown. Awaken Coffee, 125 W Jackson Ave, Knoxville, Tennessee 37902
Hours: Mon-Thu 7 AM - 9 PM, Fri 7 AM - 10 PM, Sat 8 AM - 10 PM, Sun 2-8 PM
(865) 951-0427 or