Calendar of Events
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Tennessee Theatre: The Black Jacket Symphony
Category: Music
JAN 23 & 24 | TWO SHOWS!
Tennessee Theatre, 604 S. Gay Street, Knoxville, TN 37902. For information/tickets: 865-684-1200,,
Ewing Gallery: Unsustainable Lecture with Pam Longobardi
Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Free event and Lecture, panel
In conjunction with Unsustainable, artist and educator Pam Longobardi will be giving a public lecture on Thursday, January 23rd at 7:30pm on her work. Longobardi's lecture will be in McCarty Auditorium, room 109 of the Art + Architecture Building. A reception with the artist will follow in the gallery.
Pam Longobardi is an American contemporary eco artist and activist, currently living and working in Atlanta, Georgia. She is known internationally for sculptural works and installations created from plastic debris, primarily from marine and coastal environments, as a primary material. She is also a Professor of Drawing and Painting at Georgia State University. Longobardi's lecture is part of the University of Tennessee School of Art's Programming Committee Lecture Series.
The Ewing Gallery is pleased to present, Unsustainable: A Planet in Crisis – a group exhibition featuring artwork ranging in material, discipline, and execution that addresses the theme of planetary crises – climate change, the rise of disease and superbugs, world conflict and national instability, plastics in the ocean, gun violence, pollution of the waterways from mining, air pollution from use of fossil fuels, the opioid crisis, and species extinction.
Unsustainable - a Planet in Crisis was developed as part of the programming for UT's Apocalypse Semester and as a partner exhibition to Visions of the End at the McClung Museum.
The Ewing Gallery of Art and Architecture at the University of Tennessee, 1715 Volunteer Boulevard
Art and Architecture Building, Knoxville, TN 37996.
UT School of Music: Distinguished Lecture Series in Musicology: Nina Eidsheim
Category: Free event, Lecture, panel and Music
The Distinguished Lecture Series in Musicology proudly presents Dr. Nina Eidsheim's (Professor of Musicology, UCLA), "The Race of Sound: The Acousmatic Question as Voice-Making." The foundational question raised in listening to a human voice is: Who is this? Who is speaking? This is an acousmatic question that asks what type of essence is sounding. This presentation asserts that we ask the acousmatic question because it is not actually possible to know voice, vocal identity, and meaning as such; we can only know them in their multidimensional processes, practices, and multiplicities. Further, this talk provides tools that help denaturalize the acousmatic listening process and the voices it names. Funded by the Haines-Morris Endowment and the Shirley R. Ford Memorial Fund. Part of Musicology's series of talks on "Music, Sound Studies and Environment: New Perspectives in Changing Landscapes.
Natalie Haslam Music Center, Room 244
UT School of Music: Unless otherwise noted, concerts are FREE and open to the public. The Alumni Memorial Building located at 1408 Middle Drive on the UT campus. (The James R. Cox Auditorium is located in the Alumni Memorial Building.) The Natalie Haslam Music Center is located at 1741 Volunteer Blvd on the UT campus. *For individual or small group performances, please check the web site or call the day of the event for updates or cancellations: 865-974-5678,
Knoxville Symphony Orchestra: William Shaub and Friends: The Young Beethoven and Folk Music

Category: Music
The Merchant & Gould Concertmaster Series, featuring the new KSO concertmaster William Shaub and various guest artists, will take place at the Knoxville Museum of Art, located at 1050 World's Fair Park Drive. Intimate performances held on Wednesday and Thursday evenings in the KMA's Ann and Steve Bailey Hall - seating is general admission.
Mason Bates: Ford’s Farm for Solo Violin
Beethoven: Violin Sonata No. 7 in C minor
Haydn: Piano Trio No. 39, Mvt. III (Gypsy Rondo)
Beethoven: Piano Trio No. 1 in D Major, “Ghost” (Op. 70)
Tickets and information: 865-291-3310,
Knoxville Children's Theatre: Alice in Wonderland

Category: Kids, family and Theatre
The play will be performed Thursdays and Fridays at 7 PM; Saturdays at 1 PM and 5 PM; and Sundays at 3 PM.
Knoxville Children’s Theatre will present a live stage adaptation of the beloved children’s novel “Alice in Wonderland” (with selections from “Through the Looking Glass”), by Lewis Carroll.
“Alice in Wonderland” is one of the one of the best-known and most popular works of English-language fiction featuring iconic characters that remain familiar to readers of all ages. When Alice decides to follow a talking White Rabbit down a hole, she starts an adventure that will lead her to race with a Dodo, take tea with a Mad Hatter, play croquette with the Queen of Hearts, and more. It’s a wild and crazy ride as Alice navigates the shenanigans of all the classic characters of Wonderland and desperately tries to make her way home!
Knoxville Children's Theatre, 109 E. Churchwell Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37917. Information: 865-208-3677,
Pellissippi State: The Figurative Impulse
Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event
The spring arts season begins with a regional showcase of figurative artists with a focus on painting and drawing. The talent pool for this show is stunning.
Hardin Valley Campus of Pellissippi State: 10915 Hardin Valley Road, Knoxville, TN 37932. Bagwell Center Gallery hours: M-F 9 AM - 9 PM. Information: 865-694-6405,
Theatre Knoxville Downtown: Death of a Salesman
Category: Theatre
SHOW TIMES: Thu: 8:00 pm, Fri: 8:00 pm, Sat: 8:00 pm, Sun: 3:00 pm
By Arthur Miller
Winner of the 1949 Pulitzer Prize and the Tony Award for Best Play
The story revolves around the last days of Willy Loman, a failing salesman, who cannot understand how he failed to win success and happiness. Through a series of tragic soul-searching revelations of the life he has lived with his wife, his sons, and his business associates, we discover how his quest for the “American Dream” kept him blind to the people who truly loved him.
A thrilling work of deep and revealing beauty that remains one of the most profound classic dramas of the American theatre.
WARNING: Contains offensive language
Theatre Knoxville Downtown, 800 S. Central Street, Knoxville, TN 37902. Information & tickets: 865-544-1999,
Ewing Gallery: Unsustainable - a Planet in Crisis
Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event
Opening reception: 5-7:30pm, Thursday, January 9th
The Ewing Gallery is pleased to present, Unsustainable: A Planet in Crisis – a group exhibition featuring artwork ranging in material, discipline, and execution that addresses the theme of planetary crises – climate change, the rise of disease and superbugs, world conflict and national instability, plastics in the ocean, gun violence, pollution of the waterways from mining, air pollution from use of fossil fuels, the opioid crisis, and species extinction.
Participating artists are:
Michele Banks
Brandon Ballengee, PhD
Scott Chimileski, PhD + Roberto Kolter, PhD
Brandon Donahue
Lorrie Fredette
Yeon Jin Kim
Pam Longobardi
Dan Mills
John Sabraw
Karen Shaw
In conjunction with Unsustainable, artist and educator Pam Longobardi will be giving a public lecture on Thursday, January 23rd at 7:30pm on her work. Longobardi's lecture will be in McCarty Auditorium, room 109 of the Art + Architecture Building. A reception with the artist will follow in the gallery.
Pam Longobardi is an American contemporary eco artist and activist, currently living and working in Atlanta, Georgia. She is known internationally for sculptural works and installations created from plastic debris, primarily from marine and coastal environments, as a primary material. She is also a Professor of Drawing and Painting at Georgia State University. Longobardi's lecture is part of the University of Tennessee School of Art's Programming Committee Lecture Series.
Unsustainable - a Planet in Crisis was developed as part of the programming for UT's Apocalypse Semester and as a partner exhibition to Visions of the End at the McClung Museum.
The Ewing Gallery of Art and Architecture at the University of Tennessee, 1715 Volunteer Boulevard
Art and Architecture Building, Knoxville, TN 37996.
Ted Richards: The Brown Paper Project exhibition
Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event
Opening reception Jan 12, 2-4 PM
Meet the artist, refreshments
The Gallery at the Rarity Bay Activity Center (2nd building on the right as you enter Rarity Bay), 150 Rarity Bay Parkway, Vonore, TN 37885
Free admission! Gallery hours: Mon 9-4, Tue 9-1, Wed-Fri 9-4 or 423-884-3020
Art Market Gallery: Featuring Robert Conliffe and Patrick Deason
Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event
First Friday Reception: January 3, 5:30 – 9 p.m.
Robert Conliffe, Photographer
After 30 years in the auto industry, Robert relocated from Michigan to Knoxville, Tennessee and began a career in art. His interests have always been in exploring new methods in photography and the advent of digital imaging has presented new opportunities. His art has evolved from traditional photographic work to using digital elements and techniques in the transformation of the image. Like many photographers he has sought methods to change an image giving a personal interpretation. Starting with a photo and using techniques such as digital brush work, color manipulation, filters and many other methods to create a completely new image. Most works are built from layers with a variety of colors, patterns and images. Each layer can be displayed at a different intensity level that will project to the surface. Much of his work reflects the style of Robert Mapplethorpe’s isolated flowers. He has recently started to work with the process of “Double Exposure” this is the process of layering several photos or images together similar to collage. In general his work might be called “Enhanced Photography”. His work can be seen locally at The Art Market Gallery and The Knoxville Museum of Art. He has taken classes at Pellissippi State Community College and Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts. Most of his training has been self-directed and he has been inspired by the works of many artists.
Patrick Deason, Metal Artist, has been doing metal art since 2002. He says “ I am totally self-taught and many of my tools are made or improvised by me, as are some techniques for shaping steel. While I often repurpose scrap parts for sculptures like many metal artists, much of my work revolves around heating, hammering, and shaping steel into organic forms. Most of my work in the past has concentrated on coastal wildlife in steel, but I'll occasionally incorporate other mediums into my work or delve into kinetic sculpture.” He has won several awards at art shows, was named the Coastal Georgia Artist of the Year and featured at the Goodyear Cottage on Jekyll Island, Ga., and have had groupings of my work in galleries in North Florida and coastal Georgia.
Art Market Gallery, 422 S. Gay St, Knoxville, TN 37902. Hours: Tu-Sa 11-6, Su 1-6. Information: 865-525-5265,
The Emporium Center: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission Gallery of Arts Tribute
Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts, Free event and History, heritage
The Arts & Culture Alliance is pleased to present five new exhibitions at the Emporium Center in downtown Knoxville from January 3-31, 2020. A reception will take place on Friday, January 3, from 5:00-9:00 PM as part of First Friday activities downtown to which the public is invited to meet the artists and view the artwork. Most of the works are for sale and may be purchased through the close of the exhibition. The opening reception features music by Kelle Jolly & The Will Boyd Project.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission Gallery of Arts Tribute in the main gallery
The MLK Gallery of Arts Tribute exhibition will kick-off the 2020 King Week Celebration (January 15-20, 2020). The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission is partnering with the Arts & Culture Alliance of Greater Knoxville to provide this sixth annual exhibition. The Gallery of Arts Tribute is a juried exhibition developed to recognize local artists and, most importantly, honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The exhibit will feature works by local artists reflecting the 2020 theme, “Let Freedom Ring: Through Social Justice, Economic Empowerment, Love, Peace, and Unity”. Works in the exhibitions may also be a reflection of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and have pertinence to the themes of Unity, Community, Love, Reconciliation, Social Justice, and Civil Rights. For more information, visit
On display throughout the Emporium Center, 100 S. Gay Street, in downtown Knoxville. Gallery hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Please note, the Emporium will be closed January 20 for the holiday. Information: (865) 523-7543 or
The Emporium Center: The Big Camera! and A1LabArts: Camera Obscura II
Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event
The Arts & Culture Alliance is pleased to present five new exhibitions at the Emporium Center in downtown Knoxville from January 3-31, 2020. A reception will take place on Friday, January 3, from 5:00-9:00 PM as part of First Friday activities downtown to which the public is invited to meet the artists and view the artwork. Most of the works are for sale and may be purchased through the close of the exhibition. The opening reception features music by Kelle Jolly & The Will Boyd Project.
This juried call for artwork features photo and time-based media such as collage, mixed-media, darkroom work, digital manipulation, historic processes and more by local and regional artists. Awards will be chosen by the public with a Best in Show: The Cathy & Bernie Award of $500. In collaboration with Donna Moore, John Allen and Anna Lawrence, The Big Camera! is an ongoing project: a modified enclosed cargo trailer that functions as an extra-large (6’x10’) format camera as well as a portable classroom and community outreach vehicle for A1LabArts. The Big Camera! was made possible in large part through the Ann and Steve Bailey Opportunity Grant. The group has taught classes or demonstrated photography in places such as the Community Law Office's youth art program, the Emporium Center, Central Filling Station, and area K-12 schools. The Big Camera! is intended to share the magic of photography though making its principles hands-on, allowing photography to come alive in a new way for many who encounter it. For more information, visit A1LabArts is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1995 by a group of local artists and dedicated to multi-disciplinary and experimental exploration of contemporary art issues in all media. For more information, visit
On display throughout the Emporium Center, 100 S. Gay Street, in downtown Knoxville. Gallery hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Please note, the Emporium will be closed January 20 for the holiday. Information: (865) 523-7543 or