Calendar of Events

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

The Emporium Center: Vazeen’s Expressions

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Free event and Technology

The Arts & Culture Alliance is pleased to present five new exhibitions at the Emporium Center in downtown Knoxville from October 7-29, 2022. A celebration with the artists will take place on Friday, October 7, from 5:00-9:00 PM and features live music inside the Emporium by Nicholas Horner, Stranger May, and Shayla McDaniel. Most of the works will be for sale and may be purchased through the close of the exhibition by visiting in person or the online shop at

Years ago, I got bumped into the art world by accident, and being able to express myself through arts has been a superb experience since that time. Because of my technical background and my deep interest in technology and science, the use of technology as a tool of creation has been a dominant component of my creative work. For a long time, I explored the deep etching of my designs into metals where the etched pieces became the base for further manual, photographic and color manipulations. The driving force behind my work has always been the desire to experiment; I consider all my work as ongoing experiments. Because of 3D printers, model-making of structures is less challenging, and I have shifted my concentration to artistic structures. While people are normally attracted to the structure’s appearance, structures may also be an art of engineering when observed from a technical viewpoint. I plan to develop the small and unrefined structural models in this exhibition by infusing practical usefulness, enhancing the quality and creating much larger models.

Jon “Rooz” Vazeen loves to connect with people and organizations that have an interest in creating structures in much larger dimensions. An easy and quick way to create huge, segmented 3D-printed structures is to have a large group of people each contributing one or more segments.

Emporium Center, 100 S. Gay Street, in downtown Knoxville. Hours: M-F 9-5 and Sat 10-1. Info: 865-523-7543,

Art Guild at Fairfield Glade: Exhibition by Jack Retterer

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

Art Guild member, poet, educator, and fine art photographer, Jack Retterer, is the Art Guild’s featured artist for October. He will be honored at the Fun and Wine Reception on Friday, October 7, from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m., at the Plateau Creative Arts Center located at 451 Lakeview Drive in Fairfield Glade. Art Guild members’ artwork will also be on display in the gallery. Wearing masks is optional. Wine will be served. This event is free & open to the public.

Jack Retterer, fine art photographer, teacher, and poet, is very active in the arts community in East Tennessee. His American Impressionist style photography and large canvas prints have been on display and offered for purchase through the Art Market Gallery, the Knoxville Arts and Culture Alliance, the Tennessee Artists Association, the Plateau Creative Arts Center in Crossville, the Art Guild in Tellico Village, Arts at the Airport, the City of Knoxville Mayor’s Office, the Knoxville County Mayor’s office, the Clayton Center for the Art, the Rarity Bay Community Center, the Fountain City Arts Center, the Loudon County Visitors’ Center, the Oak Ridge Art Gallery and the Venue Conference Center in Lenoir City.

Prior to his move to East Tennessee, Jack taught photography at Benedictine University in Naperville, Illinois. Currently, Jack teaches Fine Art Photography at the University of Tennessee. He is also active in presenting photography classes and presentations through regional art guilds, photography clubs and art organization across Tennessee.

Art Guild at Fairfield Glade at the Plateau Creative Arts Center, 451 Lakeview Drive, Fairfield Glade, TN 38558. Hours: M-Sa 9-4. Information: 931-707-7249,

The Emporium Center: Casey Field: Our Quiet Attention

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

The Arts & Culture Alliance is pleased to present five new exhibitions at the Emporium Center in downtown Knoxville from October 7-29, 2022. A celebration with the artists will take place on Friday, October 7, from 5:00-9:00 PM and features live music inside the Emporium by Nicholas Horner, Stranger May, and Shayla McDaniel. Most of the works will be for sale and may be purchased through the close of the exhibition by visiting in person or the online shop at

Our Quiet Attention is a collection of works representing self-exploration and contemplation on the creative path. The show includes oil paintings and drawings created in 2022 by Casey Field. In her inaugural exhibition, the subject matter explores the building blocks for creating personal, figurative art. The artist’s current explorations in artmaking include the use of personal stories, the feminine as sacred, and the portrait as a portal to the universal. Field creates art in the subgenre of contemporary classical figurative art.

The title of this collection of artwork comes from the idea that an intentional devotion to any pursuit–artistic or otherwise–requires a certain amount of thoughtful dedication. Field is a student of classical drawing, and her figure drawings are an exploration of the beauty of the human form. The show also includes small studies of seashells that have been drawn from life as a contemplative practice. The oil paintings in this show are primarily autobiographical portraits. As a mother living in East Tennessee, her subject matter often involves personal stories of childhood and nature.

Casey Field is a Knoxville native who began painting a few years ago. She currently studies Classical drawing with American figurative artist Patricia Watwood. When she is not painting or drawing, Field is hanging out with her husband, two daughters and two cats in South Knoxville.
Instagram at @caseyfieldart

Emporium Center, 100 S. Gay Street, in downtown Knoxville. Hours: M-F 9-5 and Sat 10-1. Info: 865-523-7543,

The Emporium Center: Four Dames, Four Seasons

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

The Arts & Culture Alliance is pleased to present five new exhibitions at the Emporium Center in downtown Knoxville from October 7-29, 2022. A celebration with the artists will take place on Friday, October 7, from 5:00-9:00 PM and features live music inside the Emporium by Nicholas Horner, Stranger May, and Shayla McDaniel. Most of the works will be for sale and may be purchased through the close of the exhibition by visiting in person or the online shop at

When four women of diverse backgrounds, interests and tastes come together out of their mutual appreciation and admiration for artistic expression, the results are lively and fascinating. The variation in color, texture, and ideas encourages repeated viewing of this new exhibition by Linda Blair, Cheryl Massey, Leesa Osburn and Marcia Shelly. Through acrylic, oil, and watercolor, each “dame” has been free to explore, enjoy and express each of the four seasons in her own way.

Linda Blair
Watercolors are my first painting choice -- the colors blend from quiet to joyful, and there seems to always be a new skill or new perception to bring to the work. I am presently drawn to butterflies for their quiet beauty; and, as many species are in difficult times, perhaps presenting them in pictures will increase public awareness.

Cheryl Massey
"Cherdo" is a self-taught artist and Tennessee native. She is a lifelong enthusiast of paint, pencil, and pastels. My artistic process starts with an observation with which my mind cannot seem to part and ends with the beautiful hues that finally set it free on the canvas. I adore works that pop with bold strokes of colorful imagination, and drawing and painting in a variety of media fuels my creative spirit. Instagram @instacherdo

Leesa Osburn
I am always looking for a subject that is intriguing in a new way to me, whether is the subject matter or the atmospheric conditions. What catches my eye is something that I haven’t attempted before. I do not usually attempt the same subject twice.

Marcia Shelly
I am drawn to the way light touches an object and how it changes the object's base color. I add complementary colors to enhance the object in a dramatic way.

Emporium Center, 100 S. Gay Street, in downtown Knoxville. Hours: M-F 9-5 and Sat 10-1. Info: 865-523-7543,

The Emporium Center: AIA East Tennessee | [Knoxville By Design]: Art Salon 2022

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event

The Arts & Culture Alliance is pleased to present five new exhibitions at the Emporium Center in downtown Knoxville from October 7-29, 2022. A celebration with the artists will take place on Friday, October 7, from 5:00-9:00 PM and features live music inside the Emporium by Nicholas Horner, Stranger May, and Shayla McDaniel. Most of the works will be for sale and may be purchased through the close of the exhibition by visiting in person or the online shop at

[Knoxville] by Design, part of National Architecture Week, is an annual, month-long celebration of Architecture and Design in our community. The Art Salon has been a staple event for [Knoxville] By Design since the beginning and was envisioned to celebrate and showcase the vast range of original works of art created by architects, designers, emerging professionals, students, and allied professionals in the East Tennessee Region. That means anyone engaged in shaping the built environment (or shaping the minds and conversations that shape the built environment). From woven textiles to ceramics, oil paintings to hand-made musical instruments, the Art Salon highlights the diverse talents of creative professionals in our field.

Emporium Center, 100 S. Gay Street, in downtown Knoxville. Hours: M-F 9-5 and Sat 10-1. Info: 865-523-7543,

The Emporium Center: Hei Park: Now & Then

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

The Arts & Culture Alliance is pleased to present five new exhibitions at the Emporium Center in downtown Knoxville from October 7-29, 2022. A celebration with the artists will take place on Friday, October 7, from 5:00-9:00 PM and features live music inside the Emporium by Nicholas Horner, Stranger May, and Shayla McDaniel. Most of the works will be for sale and may be purchased through the close of the exhibition by visiting in person or the online shop at

This exhibition features random portraitures of several ongoing series, such as Many Faces, Our Waking Souls and Dream Series. In addition, it displays images from a documentary of Cycle of Life by Richard Jolley, which reveal the behind-the-scenes process of making massive glasswork over five years.

America is my adopted home. It is a home where I am alone; I have no relatives. Making photographs of people provides me an opportunity to reach out to establish connections with strangers—maybe even relationships—based not on inherited genetics but rather on trust. Photographic portraiture is my passion. A successful portrait induces an involvement—much in the same way that connections with another in life can lead to commitment of interest and concern. My current work is on exploration of the possibilities of creating prolonged vision by placing the posing figure against a rear projected image with the hope of creating a correlative combination. My hope is for a result that falls somewhere on a spectrum between credible narrative and impressionistic fantasy.

Hei Park was born in Inchon, South Korea. She was educated at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, South Korea, where she earned a B.A. in Piano and an M.A. in Music Education. In 1976, she moved to the United States with her family. While living in Knoxville, Park earned an A.S. in Communications Graphics Technology from Pellissippi State and worked for several years at the Scripps Network’s Home and Garden Television production facility as a freelance graphic designer. She studied with the University of Tennessee photography professor Baldwin Lee and has had multiple photography solo shows, including one in Korea and Nashville. She has also contributed photographs to numerous group exhibitions. Currently, she is studying time-based art at the University of Tennessee. Her works have been shown in Handheld UTK and a traveling exhibition, Light of the Truth, in 2022.

Emporium Center, 100 S. Gay Street, in downtown Knoxville. Hours: M-F 9-5 and Sat 10-1. Info: 865-523-7543,

Rala: Lately by Pippin Long

  • October 7, 2022 — October 29, 2022

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

The show opening will be from 6-8pm on October 7th. "Lately" will remain on display through October 29th.

We are excited to announce Pippin Long as our artist for the month of October! Her show "Lately" continues her ethereal figurative paintings. Due to the ongoing pandemic, we prefer that masks be worn inside the store. Thank you for helping us stay safe!

Facebook Event:

Rala: Regional and Local Artisans, 112 W. Jackson Ave, Knoxville, TN 37902. Hours: Tu-Sa 11-6, Su 11-5. Information: 865-525-7888, or

Bennett: HER - Work Created by Women

  • October 7, 2022 — October 29, 2022

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event

New work by Maggie Taylor, Marty McConnaughey, Tommie Rush, Marga McBride, Johan Hagaman, Sally Brogden, Nancy Kubale, Denise Sanabria, Lori Katz, Carolyn Morris Bach, Kat Green and others

5308 Kingston Pike, Knoxville TN 37919
Hours: Mon–Sat, 10am–5:30pm
865-584-6791 |

RED Gallery: Cute AF by Beth Meadows and Kendra Barth

  • October 7, 2022 — October 28, 2022

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

Opening Friday, October 7, 5-9pm

“Cute AF” will feature ceramic works by Kendra Barth, painted wooden cutouts by Beth Meadows, and several collaborative pieces by both Knoxville artists. The idea for this exhibition began several years ago when Beth noticed shared themes of Cuteness between their bodies of work. She envisioned a distinguished gallery setting to house their most adorable pieces entitled “Cute AF” as a nod to some of their more subversive themes. At its heart, the intent of this show is to delight. To learn more about each artist, you can follow @blanketfortstudio and @bethmeadowsart on Instagram.

Beth Meadows is an artist living and working in Rockford, Tennessee, just outside of Knoxville. She received her BFA in Studio Art with a concentration in Drawing from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in 2007. She has been making and selling artwork ever since, inspired by dark humor, high end design, and a fascination with mixing high and low art. She explores themes of aspirational living, new vs. old, folk vs. academic art, the power and struggles specific to women and mental health.

Kendra Barth is an Artist and Ceramicist living and working in Knoxville TN under the name Blanket Fort Studio. Kendra creates funky handmade ceramics and sculptures that showcase her unique childlike, colorful and illustrative style. Her work often explores themes of nature, surrealism, and of humor. She was born in Mcallen, Tx and received her BFA from West Texas A and M. She now lives and works in beautiful Knoxville TN with her Partner Andrew and daughter Hazel.

Gallery hours are Fridays in October, 5-9pm or by appointment.

RED Gallery, 130 W. Jackson Ave, Knoxville, TN 37902. Information: 865-524-0146 or

Dogwood Arts: Spectacle: A Study of Modern American Society by Vincent Drake

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

Opening Reception: October 7, 2022 / 5-8PM

Join us this Friday for the opening reception of 'Spectacle: A Study of Modern American Society' by Vincent Drake!

About the Exhibition: “I'm inspired by the absurdity of modern American society; The irrational ideals we're convinced to accept, the relentless marketing and propaganda, the tribalism, disgust, perverted romanticism and violence that has become characteristic of us. In my art I'm unconcerned with beauty or idealization. I'm interested in investigating our culture's influence on our identities and the confusion, panic, and suffering that results." - Vincent Drake
• Regular Gallery Hours: M-F 10AM-5PM

Vincent Drake was born in 1976 in Udon Thani, Thailand to a Thai mother and American father and spent his formative years in a working-class neighborhood in southeast Los Angeles. He attended the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts and the San Francisco Art Institute where he studied Fine Art Painting. His work has been exhibited throughout the United State and Canada. He currently finds himself home in Knoxville, Tennessee. See for works by the artist.

Dogwood Arts, 123 W. Jackson Ave, Knoxville, TN 37902. Information: 865-637-4561,

Zoo Knoxville: Boo! at the Zoo

Category: Festivals, special events, Kids, family and Science, nature

BOO! at the Zoo is Knoxville’s largest Halloween event featuring several nights of not-too-scary Halloween fun perfect for preschool and elementary-aged children. A Halloween tradition, BOO! at the Zoo is a family event featuring trick-or-treating along the BOO! Trail, where little trick-or-treaters can fill their bag with goodies as they make their way through the zoo.

New this year, we have TWO Member Nights: Thursday, October 6th and Wednesday, October 12th.

Star Wars Nights, Princess Nights, the Monster Mash Dance Tent, our Wildly Fun Scientist and more are all back this year!

BOO Dates:
Thursday, Oct. 6 (Exclusively for Zoo Knoxville Members)
Friday, Oct. 7
Saturday, Oct. 8
Sunday, Oct. 9
Wednesday, Oct. 12 (Exclusively for Zoo Knoxville Members)
Thursday, Oct. 13
Friday, Oct. 14
Saturday, Oct. 15
Sunday, Oct. 16
Thursday, Oct 20
Friday, Oct. 21
Saturday, Oct. 22
Sunday, Oct.23

Zoo Knoxville, 3500 Knoxville Zoo Drive, Knoxville, TN 37914. Information: 865-637-5331,

Ijams Hallway Gallery: "Rabbit, Squirrell, Staaarling" by Sara Blair McNally

  • October 4, 2022 — October 30, 2022

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

A collection of new and old works

Ijams Visitor Center Hallway Gallery

Ijams Nature Center, 2915 Island Home Ave, Knoxville, TN 37920. Visitor Center open daily 10-6; grounds and trails open daily from 8 AM - dusk. Information: 865-577-4717,

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