Calendar of Events
Monday, October 7, 2024
Capoeira Fundo da Mata: Trainings
Category: Classes, workshops, Dance, movement and Health, wellness
Capoeira Fundo da Mata is the Knoxville chapter of UCA. We train at the Sustainable Future Center (map) on Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:30. Classes are $5 and the first class is free.
The classes are led by Instructors Bode and Odisseu who have over 15 years of experience each in capoeira and are under the instruction of Mestre Avestruz who has nearly 40 years of experience. Capoeira is a great combination of exercise, mobility, fun movement and expression, as well as music and Brazilian culture.
Contact us at
Sustainable Future Center, 201 Ogle Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37902. Information: 865-294-0154,
Knoxville Contra Dancers
Category: Classes, workshops, Dance, movement and Music
We dance to live music every Monday night, 8-11 pm, at the Laurel Theater (16th St. and Laurel Ave.)
Fee: $8 ($5 for students & those just listening). If this is your first time, come a few minutes early and join our new dancer workshop, where we teach the basics. Beginners are welcome, no partner or experience is required. It's easy and fun! With very rare exceptions we dance every Monday night. All dances will be taught. We dance in the historic Laurel Theater, to preserve our dance floor, we request that you wear or bring clean, non-marking, soft-soled or leather shoes for dancing.
For Monday night scheduling & booking inquiries, contact The Klutzendorks: 865-599-961 or