Calendar of Events

Thursday, June 13, 2019

East Tennessee Community Design Center: Summer Fundraiser and Tour

Category: Festivals, special events and Fundraisers

17th Annual Summer Party & Tour
Join us for the 2019 ETCDC Summer Party and Tour... Burlington Vibe! You don't want to miss it!

Beginning at the Gathering Spot in Burlington Village, our annual Summer Party features a silent auction and tour of Historic Burlington.

3906 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37914
Burlington is a proud project of the ETCDC, as we helped develop an Enhancement Plan to aid in the community's growth.

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Drinks, hors d’oeuvres, Silent Auction
6:30 pm - 6:45 pm Speaker Bob Booker at the Community Mural and Pocket Park
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Self Guided Tour of Historic Burlington
7:15 pm Speaker Jack Neely at the Knaffl Residence
8:15pm - 8:30 pm Performance: The Musical Sounds of Burlington at the Greater Warner Church

We will highlight the historic Burlington Neighborhood’s residences, businesses, churches and parks, with some interesting surprises! Tickets are $65 per person. Visit to purchase your tickets, or send your check to ETCDC 1300 N. Broadway Knoxville, TN 37917. Info: (865) 525-9945

UT Arboretum Society: Tennessee Conservationist of the Year

Category: Free event, Lecture, panel and Science, nature

Dwayne Estes, Tennessee Conservationist of the Year, Presents Program on Southeastern Grasslands Preservation Southeastern grasslands seems like a misnomer to many of us in the Southeast who think of this area as historically forest. Research has shown that the southeast historically had large areas of prairie and grasslands which was home to a diverse community of plants and wildlife. Dwayne Estes, Tennessee Conservationist of the Year and known in the ecology community as “the prairie preacher”, will present "The Southeastern Grasslands Initiative: Charting a New Course for Conservation in the 21st Century" at 7:00 p.m. on June 13 at the UT Arboretum Auditorium.

The Southeastern Grasslands Initiative aims to preserve, restore, and promote grasslands of all types throughout the Southeast. Fully one-half of all rare habitat types in the Southeast are grasslands, which in turn harbor 60% of rare plant species and provide habitat for 35% of rare animals from bobwhites to box turtles. It is no wonder that a large portion of the Southeast was recently designated the world’s 36th biodiversity “hotspot.”

At the same time, restored native grasslands have a mutually beneficial relationship with working lands. Well-managed grazing, haying, and prescribed fire can contribute enormously to grassland habitats and species while improving the bottom line of private agriculture, forestry, or recreation operations. Fragments are all that is left of some grassland types, and securing them is imperative if we are to protect grasslands for future generations and prevent the extinction of grassland-dependent species.

Estes serves as executive director for the Southeastern Grasslands Initiative (SGI). At Austin Peay State University, Dwayne also serves as Professor of Biology and Director of the APSU Herbarium, a plant museum with over 130,000 specimens. In the past three years, he and his collaborators have secured nearly $2 million dollars in grants and donations, including grants from the National Science Foundation and for his leadership in developing SGI, Estes was named Tennessee Conservationist of the Year in 2018 by the Tennessee Wildlife Federation.

This is a free program sponsored by the UT Arboretum Society, Tennessee Citizens for Wilderness Planning. Strata-G and the UT Forest Resources AgResearch and Education Center. No registration is required. For more information contact Michelle Campanis at (865)483-7277 or To learn more about this program or the UT Arboretum Society, go to

East Tennessee Historical Society: Hidden in Plain Site: Cemeteries in the Smoky Mountains


Category: Free event, History, heritage and Lecture, panel

Hidden in Plain Site: Cemeteries in the Smoky Mountains
A Brown Bag Lecture with Dr. Gail Palmer

In a Brown Bag lecture on Thursday, June 13, Dr. Gail Palmer will share stories of everyday life, love, and happenings, as gleaned from her extensive research into the families and cemeteries of those who lived in the Smokies prior to the creation of the park. Among her previously published works are The Midwives’ Quilt: A Tale of Conflict & Intrigue in the Smokies; Smoky Mountain Tales, Volumes 1 and 2; and Great Smoky Mountains National Park: In the Beginning…Fact, Legend & Eminent Domain. Palmer is a descendant of the Sparks family of Cades Cove and now resides in Blount County. Books will be available for purchase and signing following the program.

The lecture is sponsored by the Gentry Griffey Funeral Chapel and Crematory and is free and open to the public and will begin at noon at the East Tennessee History Center, 601 S. Gay Street, Knoxville. Guests are invited to bring a “Brown Bag” lunch and enjoy the lecture. Soft drinks will be available. For more information on the lecture, exhibitions, or museum hours, call 865-215-8824 or visit the website at

East Tennessee Historical Society, 601 S. Gay Street, Knoxville, TN 37902. Museum hours: M-F 9-4, Sa 10-4, Su 1-5.

Historic Ramsey House: Summer Tours for Students


Category: History, heritage and Kids, family

Each summer, Historic Ramsey House offers free tours (Wednesday-Friday, 10 AM – 3 PM) to Knox, Jefferson and Sevier County students ages 6-17 with a student ID that are accompanied by a paying adult. There can be no more than two students for each adult. Admission can be paid upon arrival.

Ramsey House was built in 1797 by Knoxville’s first builder, Thomas Hope, for Francis Alexander Ramsey. The structure is significant for original interior and exterior architectural features and its period decorative art collection. The Ramsey Family was one of the first families to settle the Knoxville area. They played vital roles in developing civic, educational and cultural institutions.

Open to students outside of Knox County? YES – Jefferson and Sevier
Advance reservations required? NO (except for tours on Saturdays)
Contact: Kelley Weatherley-Sinclair, 865-546-0745,

The Knoxville Symphony League Designer ShowHouse

Category: Festivals, special events and Fundraisers

The Knoxville Symphony League Designer ShowHouse will be held at Regas Square luxury private residences in June with local designers putting their signature and full touches on four different units.

The 2019 Symphony ShowHouse, which will take place June 12 - 30 in downtown Knoxville will include more than 7,000 square feet of decorated spaces on the sixth floor of the building.

Four Knoxville designers each have taken a residential unit to decorate in the completely renovated Regas Square, which will open for public viewing for the first time since the project was announced in 2016. Of the four units to be designed, three already are owned, and one will be available for purchase. “The new Regas Square, on the site of the former Regas Restaurant, will showcase the work of four talented designers in four penthouse-level condominiums, said Joyce Simms, advisory chairman for the event. “We can hardly wait to see each designer’s vision of luxurious urban living come to fruition.”

The Regas Square luxury condominiums, located at 333 W. Depot Ave. blend classic and contemporary features with thoughtful, modern design. The six-story midrise offers 101 residential units atop ground-floor retail spaces. The building features large terraces for each unit, private parking and storage, fitness center, and indoor and outdoor entertainment lounges.

The Symphony ShowHouse, now in its 32nd year, will be open for public tours every day except Monday. Hours of operation will be Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., and Sunday 1-5 p.m. Day passes are $20, and season passes are $30. Proceeds benefit the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra’s Education and Community programs.

A Symphony ShowHouse Gift Shop, which will offer a variety of gift and home décor items for purchase, also will be set up in one of the decorated units.
The featured designers are:
 Bennett Galleries and Interior Design
 Ethan Allen Design Center design team
 Paula Clancy of Nouveau Classics
 Al Yanno The Knoxville Symphony League is a membership-driven guild of volunteers that has benefited the Knoxville

Symphony Orchestra through a variety of fundraisers since 1952. The ShowHouse is one of the league’s biggest annual events and funds KSO programs that provide cultural and educational outreach in the community. For more information about the Symphony ShowHouse, visit For more information about Regas Square, visit

Nief-Norf Summer Festival

Category: Free event and Music

nnSF19 is happening from June 10-24, 2019 in Knoxville, TN. Although there are countless summer festival opportunities, nnSF offers something rare and special. There are countless opportunities to perform, collaborate, and create at our festival, and our nnSF fellows walk away with excellent video, audio, and photo documentation! We know that choosing a summer festival is a big decision, and we are committed to providing an exceptional musical experience each summer.

In case it's been a while since you've checked out all the festival has to offer, we want to share up-to-date info our about our festival: nnSF19 features full-time, faculty-led workshops in performance, composition, and music technology lasting the duration of the festival. The Performance Workshop provides fellows extensive interaction with the faculty, guest composers, and visiting artists, as well as opportunities for professional level performances.

UT Gardens: Wings of Wonder Butterfly Exhibit

  • June 7, 2019 — September 8, 2019

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Free event, Kids, family and Science, nature

Knoxville - Our Wings of Wonder Butterfly Exhibit has been installed throughout the Gardens. Twenty-five large scale butterflies decorated by area artists will be on display until September 8 (when they will be auctioned off to the public). Come enjoy their whimsical beauty!

This is the second year of this great collaboration of artists and the UT Gardens whereby the showcased art is auctioned to benefit the Gardens. This year's theme of butterflies hopes to showcase the importance of pollinators to our ecosystems and is in conjunction with pollinator research being conducted at the UT Gardens and elsewhere around the world.

UT Gardens, Chapman Drive, Knoxville, TN 37996. Information: 865-974-7151,

UT Downtown Gallery: Carl Sublett: A Centennial Celebration

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

Reception June 7, 5:00pm - 9:00pm and July 5, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

The UT Downtown Gallery is pleased to present the art of Carl Sublett (1919-2008) celebrating the 100th year anniversary of his birth. Over 20 regional collectors have graciously loaned works that will be on public display together for the first time. This exhibition celebrates the life and work of Knoxville's beloved painter and UT professor, Carl Sublett. The concept for this tribute exhibition was suggested by the artist's late son Eric prior to his passing in September 2018. A small number of Eric's works will also be on display.

Admission is Free and Open to the public. Parking is free after 6:00pm.

UT Downtown Gallery, 106 S. Gay St, Knoxville, TN 37902. Information: 865-673-0802,

Art Market Gallery: Featuring Kara Lockmiller and Matt Dozdall

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event

Opening for the new exhibit will be First Friday, June 7, 5:30-9 PM

Kara Lockmiller
"I am a chromesthete which means I see a vast array of real colors in my mind when I listen to music. I like to think of it as my own personal light show. My goal for each portrait is to let you glimpse music and musicians the way I do. The show is too beautiful not to share. There is a kinship between color and music – both can say what words can not. My 10+ years as a journalist and graphic artist left me with a great understanding of design principles as they relate to color. I began painting for others in 2017 as an outlet to share all the mesmerizing colors I see as I listen to music. While I can remember the lyrics to almost any song I’ve ever heard, I am most fascinated by the people who pen them. I describe my style as painting in shadowed hues. My musician portraits are formed by breaking down each artist into pieces of colored shadows and highlights. They come together like puzzle pieces on canvas. My color palettes vary for each artist depending on what I see as I listen to their music. I’m also greatly influenced by the time in their careers I chose to depict them."

Matt Dozdall
"I’m 45, live in Corryton, Tn. Married, with 4 kids. I’m originally from NC, have lived in East TN for about 20 years. US Army Veteran. I’ve been a Mechanic most of my life, And Have Always Loved any kind of Art! I mostly weld car parts together to create my art pieces, but will sometimes incorporate metal from other objects such as Washing machines and Clothes dryers. I’m not afraid to venture outside of my box, with new forms of art. I can hardly wait to see what comes up next!"

Art Market Gallery, 422 S. Gay St, Knoxville, TN 37902. Hours: Tu-Th & Sa 11-6, Fri 11-9, Su 1-5. Information: 865-525-5265,

Post Modern Spirits: Trees Re-Imagined by Pamela Salyer

  • June 7, 2019 — June 30, 2019

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

Recent works by local artist Pamela Salyer will be on display throughout the month of June at Post Modern Spirits in downtown Knoxville. An opening reception will be held on Friday, June 7th from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m., during Downtown Knoxville’s monthly First Friday Art Walk.

The show will feature a new series of mixed-media pieces, focused on trees and their settings. “The infinite variances in color, texture and pattern of trees fascinate me—how they relate to and echo the patterns of the earth, and even our own skin. I attempt to interpret and convey the relationship between these elements through my collages, with trees and their surroundings as the main subject. I build each collage with acrylic paint, gels, and paper, layer by layer, creating new ways to consider the textures and colors of the trees that surround us.”

Pamela is a Knoxville-based mixed media artist (email: Her work is also available at The Art Market Gallery, 422 S. Gay St., Knoxville, TN,

Post Modern Spirits is located at 205 W. Jackson Ave., Ste. 205, Knoxville, TN 37902. Hours are Monday to Friday 3 p.m. to 11 p.m., Saturday 12 p.m. to 11 p.m., and Sunday 12 p.m. to 10 p.m. (865) 437-3190

Broadway Studios and Gallery: All Creatures Great and Small

  • June 7, 2019 — June 29, 2019
  • Reception June 7, 5:00-9:00PM

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

All Creatures Great and Small, the Animal Show. Exhibition from June 7- June 29. Opening June 7, 5:00-9:00PM at Broadway Studios, 1127 N. Broadway, Knoxville.

Broadway Studios and Gallery, 1127 Broadway St, Knoxville, TN 37917. Hours: Fri-Sat, 10-6, by appointment, or when the "open" sign is illuminated. Information: 865-556-8676,

Dogwood Arts: Regional Art Exhibition

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event

The Emporium Center / Friday, June 7, 2019 / 5:30pm-8:00pm (Awards at 7PM)

Fine art encompassing all styles and genres from both emerging and established artists will be showcased. The exhibition will be on display June 7- 28, 2019 at the Dogwood Arts office. Award monies totaling $2,000 to exceptional artists at the opening celebration. For the 2018 season, applicants must permanently live within 500 miles of the Dogwood Arts office.

Brian and Carolyn Jobe are both artists and administrators with art world experience in Tennessee, Texas, and New York. They enjoy facilitating beneficial connections and have a passion to see the contemporary art communities of Tennessee thrive.

On display at the Emporium Center, 100 S. Gay Street, in downtown Knoxville. Exhibition hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Information: (865) 523-7543 or Dogwood Arts information: 865-637-4561,

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