Calendar of Events

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Dogwood Arts: Shawn Poynter Exhibition**

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

Opening March 6 @ 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

The 2020 Dogwood Arts Limited Edition Print is by Shawn and will be on display alongside an immersive installation of his photographs and more! You can purchase a Limited Edition Print for $25 at

Shawn has been photographing a wide range of subjects for over two decades. After graduating with a degree in photojournalism, Shawn worked for a newspaper in Illinois, then freelanced for a few years in eastern Kentucky before landing in Knoxville in 2006.

After spending many years out in the world, Poynter has lately started exploring more work in his studio in North Knoxville. After a career working on news and editorial assignments out in the world, the idea of making and photographing compositions in an environment in which every element is controllable has an appeal. See more of his work at

Dogwood Arts, 123 W. Jackson Ave, Knoxville, TN 37902. Information: 865-637-4561,

HoLa Hora Latina: Exhibition by Alexis Henríquez**

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

Opening Fri Mar 6, 5-9 PM

Artistic Profile
Alexis Henriquez was born on November 13th, 1965. He studied at the National School for the Fine Arts in Honduras and he is an architect. Henriquez started to paint in the nineties. He uses pastels, watercolor and acrylics to produce his art. “As an artist, I like to see and create works that inspire, that tell a story that is engrossed on its surroundings. During my childhood I had the pleasure to grow up in my hometown Tegucigalpa which lively streets sparked my imagination and desire for painting. My work is dedicated to the poor. It is with them that I was born as an artist and where I have found a place of truth and loyalty to my origins.”

Reseña Artística
Alexis Henríquez, nacido el 13 de noviembre de 1965, es egresado de la Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes de Honduras y es arquitecto de profesión. Henríquez empezó a pintar desde los noventas. Usa el pastel, la acuarela y los acrílicos para trabajar sus obras. Actualmente reside en Pigeon Forge, TN, desde donde crea su arte. Como artista me gusta ver y crear obras que motiven y expresen algo, que cuenten una historia que vaya dirigida hacia su entorno. Durante mi niñez tuve la dicha de crecer en las calles, vendiendo y caminando por las calles de Tegucigalpa, mi ciudad natal, mi imaginación volaba y creaba. Mis obras de arte están dedicadas a la gente pobre, es allí donde nace el artista sincero y leal a sus orígenes”.

HoLa Hora Latina, 100 S. Gay Street, Suite 112, Knoxville, TN 37902. Information: 865-335-3358,

Westminister Presbyterian Church: Dee Blane's Collection of African Artifacts**

  • March 5, 2020 — April 30, 2020

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event

Westminster Presbyterian Church Schilling Gallery

6500 S Northshore Dr, Knoxville, TN 37919. Hours: M-R 9-4, Fri 9-12. Info: (865) 584-3957 or

Dogwood Arts: SYNERGY Exhibition

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Free event and Kids, family


Opening Reception: March 11, 2020 (5:30-8:30PM)

Synergy showcases gifted K-12 art students alongside their teachers and current art interns/student-teachers from East Tennessee. See the results of the artistic student-teacher synergy that happens every day in our schools. Awards and scholarships are presented to encourage further development of these art students’ artistic aptitude. The Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony will be held at the Clayton Center for the Arts in Maryville, TN. All artists, their families, and friends are encouraged to attend this wonderful celebration!

Information: 865-637-4561,

River & Rail Theatre Company: Constellations

Category: Theatre

River & Rail is announcing today that we will have one final performance of CONSTELLATIONS tonight, Friday, March 13th. We are cancelling the three remaining performances on Saturday and Sunday of this weekend.

Written By Nick Payne
A love story with endless possibilities
Directed by Chris McCreary
Starring Martha Harms and Joshua Peterson

River & Rail Theatre Company continues its inaugural season in the Old City Performing Arts Center with a funny, intelligent, and heart-breaking love story told through the lens of astrophysics. CONSTELLATIONS begins with a simple encounter between a man and a woman, but what happens next defies the boundaries of the world we think we know—delving into the infinite possibilities of their relationship and raising questions about the difference between choice and destiny. We're captivated by this mind-blowing, yet tender love story and are thrilled to share it with our Knoxville community.


Student & Industry Preview on March 4th and Pay-What-You-Can Preview on March 5th

At Old City Performing Arts Center, 111 State St. Knoxville, TN 37902

Ewing Gallery: Perfect Attendance - 73rd Annual Student Art Competition**

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

Please join us Monday March 2 from 6-8pm at the Ewing Gallery for a reception celebrating the 73rd Annual Student Art Competition.

Begun in 1947 by C. Kermit Ewing, founder of The University of Tennessee School of Art, the annual student exhibition has become one of the oldest competitions in the country and one of the highlights of the Ewing Gallery’s exhibition season. This competition has been an outlet for UT’s talented students for 73 years, wherein countless works of art of every form and medium have been displayed and applauded by The University and Knoxville community.

Hours: Mon, Tues, Wed, and Friday 10am - 5pm, Thursday 10am - 7:30pm and Sunday, 1-4

Ewing Gallery, 1715 Volunteer Blvd on the UT campus, Knoxville, TN 37996. Information: 865-974-3200,

Westminister Presbyterian Church: Pond Study by Frank Norris**

  • March 1, 2020 — April 30, 2020

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

Artist: Frank Norris
“Pond Study” - Seeing nature through a different lens
Category: Photography

Westminister Presbyterian Church, 6500 S Northshore Dr, Knoxville, TN 37919. Hours: M-R 9-4, Fri 9-12. Info: (865) 584-3957 or

Goodwill Industries-Knoxville: Project Wear and Share**

  • March 1, 2020 — March 31, 2020

Category: Free event, Fundraisers, Health, wellness and Kids, family

Have you been to the dry cleaners lately? If not, you might want to stop by during the month of March. For the 30th year, dozens of regional dry cleaners have partnered with Goodwill Industries-Knoxville, Inc. through Goodwill’s Project Wear and Share. This annual clothing drive is designed to raise awareness about Goodwill’s services while providing dozens of new opportunities to donate unneeded clothing and linens.

Goodwill is offering donors another convenient location to drop off items. Participating dry cleaners are located in Knoxville, Oak Ridge, Clinton, Maryville, Farragut, Alcoa, Kingston, Lenoir City, Seymour, Pigeon Forge, Sevierville and Morristown. Beginning March 1 and running through March 31 local dry cleaners will have a donation box inside their location where you can drop off donations. By donating gently used clothing and linens to Goodwill keeps goods out of local landfills each year.

Items donated and sold at our 29 retail stores supports Goodwill’s mission of changing lives and strengthening families by helping people reach their full potential through community-relevant job training, work experiences, and career services. Training programs range from computer literacy to certified nurse assistant courses, career assessment and planning to job placement services. In 2019, Goodwill Industries-Knoxville, Inc. provided training and services to 4,086 individuals in their 15-county service area.

Find a list of participating dry cleaners at or contact the Goodwill Marketing Team at 865.588.8567.

Clarence Brown Theatre: Hamlet

Category: Theatre


William Shakespeare's "Hamlet" will play in the Clarence Brown Theatre's Carousel Theatre February 26 - March 15, 2020. UT Faculty/Staff receive 20% off ticket prices. UT Students see the previews for FREE and the rest of the performances for $5, excluding Opening Night.

The Pay What You Wish Preview performance, where patrons can name their own price, will be held Wednesday, February 26th. Half of the proceeds from the Pay What You Wish tickets will benefit Friends of Literacy. Behind the Scenes Sunday will take place following the Sunday, March 1st matinee with a panel discussion tied into the themes of "Hamlet" and also the McClung Museum's "Visions of the End" exhibit as part of the College of Arts and Architecture's "Semester of the Apocalypse." A Talk Back with the actors will take place Sunday, March 8th following the matinee. The Open Captioned performance is Sunday, March 15th at 2:00 pm.

In the wake of his father's death, Hamlet finds both his personal and political worlds unimaginably changed. When his father's ghost demands vengeance, Hamlet must decide: submit or resist. Accept or avenge. Live or die.

"Hamlet" was written by Shakespeare sometime between 1599-1602. It is arguably one of his most famous tragedies. The lines from Hamlet's monologue in act three that begin "To be, or not to be..." have been studied and are widely known even amongst those that are otherwise unfamiliar with Shakespeare's work. Even in Shakespeare's own lifetime, "Hamlet" would have been performed multiple times and considered remarkably influential. Its appeal has not lessened over time.

John Sipes (Director) is a Professor in the Department of Theatre at the University of Tennessee. Before joining the UT faculty, he was a Director and the Resident Movement Director for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival for fifteen seasons. Prior to his residency at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, John was a Director and Movement Director for the Illinois Shakespeare Festival for twelve seasons and served as the Festival's Artistic Director for five seasons. Directing credits include productions at the Clarence Brown Theatre, the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, the Milwaukee Rep, Shakespeare Santa Cruz, the Illinois Shakespeare Festival and others.

1714 Andy Holt Ave on the UT campus, Knoxville, TN 37996. For information: 865-974-5161, For tickets: 865-974-5161, 865-656-4444,

Pellissippi State: Photography Student Showcase

  • February 24, 2020 — March 13, 2020

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

Featuring Pellissippi State Photography students, this exhibit displays different photography techniques and approaches with arresting results.

Hardin Valley Campus of Pellissippi State: 10915 Hardin Valley Road, Knoxville, TN 37932. Bagwell Center Gallery hours: M-F 9 AM - 9 PM. Information: 865-694-6405,

Ijams Nature Center: Take Action! Big and Small Ways to Save the Planet

  • February 14, 2020 — March 15, 2020

Category: Festivals, special events, Health, wellness, Kids, family and Science, nature

Now in its second year, Take Action! Big and Small Ways to Save the Planet is a four-week conservation series that focuses on the many different ways you can have a positive impact on the planet. Classes, workshops and other activities will show you how to conserve natural resources and reduce your carbon footprint. Cleanup events and volunteer workdays will help you care for the place we all call home. This year’s lineup is going to be fun!

February 15 Volunteer Workday: Invasive Plant Removal (Noon-3 p.m.)
February 16 Conservation Conversations: Docuseries and Discussion (2-5 p.m.)
February 21 Parents’ Night Out (6:30-8 p.m.)
February 22 Household Hazardous Waste Recycling Event (10 a.m.-1 p.m.)
February 25 Sustainable Adulting: Sew It, Don’t Throw it! (6-8 p.m.)
February 29 Fifth Annual Weed Wrangle Knoxville (9 a.m.-Noon)
February 29 Family Hootenanny (6-9 p.m.)
March 7 Outdoor Gear Swap and Bike Collection Event (9 a.m.-Noon)
March 7 Citizen Science Kick-Off (1-5 p.m.)
March 8 Slow Foods Potluck: On the Local Level (5-8 p.m.)
March 10 Sustainable Adulting: Everything You Thought You Knew About Recycling (6-7:30 p.m.)
March 14 Volunteer Workday: Grayson Subaru Preserve (Noon-3 p.m.)
March 15 Ijams Seed Swap (1-4 p.m.)
March 15 Family Pollinator Garden Workshop (1:30- 2:30 p.m.)

Details on each event at

Ijams Nature Center, 2915 Island Home Ave, Knoxville, TN 37920. Hours: Grounds and trails open during daylight hours. Call for Visitor Center hours. Information: 865-577-4717,

Oak Ridge Art Center: Ebony Imagery XVII and John Allen: Beautiful Marks

  • February 8, 2020 — March 22, 2020

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event

In the Galleries
February 8 through March 22, 2020

Artists Reception: Saturday, February 8, from 7 to 9 PM
Gallery Talk: 6:30 PM

The event is free and open to the public.

Oak Ridge Art Center, 201 Badger Avenue, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. Hours: Tu-F 9-5, Sa-M 1-4. Information: 865-482-1441,

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