Calendar of Events

Friday, June 1, 2018

Flatwater Storytelling Festival

  • June 1, 2018 — June 3, 2018

Category: Festivals, special events, Fundraisers and Kids, family


We have three nationally renowned storytellers who will make you laugh, reminisce and cry – all at the same time: Minton Sparks, Bil Lepp and Tim Lowry. This storytelling event is a first for our area, according to our local historian. We are making history and it is truly exciting!

June 1 is a storytelling writing workshop by Minton Sparks, located at the lovely University of Tennessee Arboretum. June 2 is an outdoor festival on Melton Lake with music, food, cardboard boat races and so much more. June 3 is the stortytelling festival, held indoors at the historic Oak Ridge Playhouse from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Organized by the three Oak Ridge Rotary Clubs, the Flatwater Festival will make a contribution to the Blossom Center for Childhood Excellence, providing childcare for working parents seven days a week on a sliding scale.

Our festival has the honor of having Kiran Singh Sirah, president of the nation's largest and one of the oldest storytelling festivals in the U.S kick-off the event. The International Storytelling Festival is located in Jonesborough, Tennessee.

Never been to a storytelling festival? We are betting most people in our region have not had this incredible experience.... so now is your chance!!!! This is a regional event!

Our website:

Goodwill Industries-Knoxville: Bearden Jewelry Show

  • June 1, 2018 — June 3, 2018

Category: Festivals, special events

Have you been to the jewelry show at the Bearden Goodwill yet? Mark your calendars for great deals on jewelry in every style!

Goodwill Industries-Knoxville: 865-588-8567,

Knoxville Walking Tours

  • June 1, 2018 — June 2, 2018

Category: Festivals, special events and History, heritage

THE CIVIL WAR IN KNOXVILLE - JUNE 1, 2018 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
It’s been over 150 years since the battle of Knoxville, one of the most sharply divided cities during the civil war. Occupied by both sides with recruiting offices set up on Gay Street on the same day, Knoxville was home to spies, street fights, and family feuds that outlasted the war. Visit the downtown sites and then get an overview of the battles and fortifications from the observation deck of the Sunsphere. Meet on the porch of the East Tennessee History Center, 601 S. Gay Street.

SHADOW SIDE 2 - JUNE 1, 2018 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM
The lively entertainment section now known as the Old City wasn’t always so friendly. The neighborhood has a history of dark times and dark deeds, and the remnants aren’t just in the architecture. Formerly known as the Bowery, the district was home to saloons, dance halls, pool rooms, and bars, where famous gunmen, thieves, ladies of the evening, and troublemakers of all kinds bumped elbows with naïve travelers and honest working folk. Life here was violent—and often short. Meet in front of The Phoenix Pharmacy and Fountain, 418 S. Gay Street.

THE EARLY YEARS - JUNE 2, 2018 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Step back over two centuries and visit Knoxville’s founders as you listen to the stories of the settlement of White’s Fort and establishment of the capital of the Southwest Territory at the headwaters of the Tennessee.
Meet on the porch of the East Tennessee History Center, 601 S. Gay Street.

Knoxville’s story has always been set to music, from the time when the poetic rhythms of the native Cherokee tribes still echoed in the hills and the ballads of the Scots-Irish settlers were sung around campfires on the riverbanks. Immigrants from all over the world brought new instruments and tunes to enliven the song and East Tennessee became known as a home to musicians of every genre, whether classical, jazz, R&B, rock-n-roll, Americana, or the avant-garde sounds of ska, techno, and whatever’s unveiled at this year’s Big Ears Festival. Meet in the Knoxville Visitor Center, 301 S. Gay Street.

For the above tours: Adults: $15. Children 6-12: $10 (Group rate available). For more information or to book your tour, please visit *Proceeds from these tours help to support the Knoxville History Project.

Completed over 20 years ago, Volunteer Landing interprets, with permanent marble markers, the city’s complex relationship with its famous river–with quotes from famous authors and short narratives about early settlers, the Civil War, and Tennessee football, as well as a statue commemorating a complicated treaty with the Cherokee signed on that site. Author Jack Neely, of the Knoxville History Project, did the research for those stone markers, and will offer this annual guided tour. Spots are limited, register for this free tour here:

Bijou Theatre: Henry Cho

Category: Comedy

Henry’s TV credits include appearances on NBC’s The Tonight Show, CBS’s The Late, Late, Show, and NBC’s Young Comedians Special.

He served two years as host of NBC’s Friday Night Videos and had many guest roles on various network sitcoms. Henry was co-creator, co-producer and co-writer of “The Henry Cho Show” on GAC.

Henry’s one hour Comedy Central Special, “What’s That Clickin Noise?” is currently running and he can also be heard daily on Sirrus, XM and Blue Collar Radio. He’s also a regular performer at the Grand Ole Opry.

Some of Henry’s film credits include Universal’s McHale’s Navy with Tom Arnold and David Allen Greer; Say It Isn’t So with Heather Graham and Sally Field; and Material Girls with Hilary Duff and Angelica Houston produced by Madonna.

Henry was the keynote entertainer for The 59th Annual Radio & Television Correspondents’ Dinner and has worked extensively with Vince Gill, Amy Grant, Willie Nelson, Carrie Underwood and many, others. Henry’s clean comedy is so versatile that he can headline Vegas and then tour with Michael W. Smith in the same month.

Henry is currently in pre-production for the Indy film “Saving Faith” in which he will be part of the cast and also co-produce. The film begins shooting end of April.

Henry is also in high demand by corporations due to the fact he is bankable and his show is clean. He has performed for hundreds of companies.

At Bijou Theatre, 803 S. Gay Street, Knoxville, TN 37902. Information/tickets: 865-522-0832,,

The Moving Theatre: Hearts, Tarts and Arts

  • June 1, 2018
  • 6:00-10:00PM

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Theatre

Moving Theatre's fourth First Friday gallery exhibition is June 1, from 6:00–10:00 PM at the East Tennessee Technology Access Center, 116 Childress St. The exhibition centers around the short play Let’s Hear It for the Queen by Alice Childress, a jive-talk riff on the Queen of Hearts’ nursery rhyme, performing at 6:30, 7:30 and 9:00 PM. Gallery admission is free ($5 suggested donation) with complimentary refreshments, including Dale's Fried Pies.

The cast features Knoxville actors Big Gay James, Rebecca Gomez, Lena Shaw and Steven Trigg, as well as ETTAC’s own Joel Simmons and the SPARK (Starting People Along the Road to Knowledge) Ensemble.

The exhibition features sculpture and mixed media art by Booder Barnes, Emily Bivens, Sarah Brobst and Gregory Tune and more, plus live music by percussionist James Clemons.

KnoxMakers community workshop, in the basement of ETTAC, hosts an open house concurrent with the exhibition.

This exhibition made possible by an Arts Build Communities grant from the Tennessee Arts Commission and the Arts & Culture Alliance.

The Moving Theatre is a collaborative project combining theatre and visual arts, bringing cutting edge multimedia productions to Knoxville galleries and art spaces. Exhibitions feature works from various local artists including painters, illustrators, photographers, welders, musicians, clothing designers and hair salons. Play performances feature at least one piece from each artist's collection in addition to displayed works in the gallery. These unique, immersive gallery experiences bring art to theatre lovers, theatre to arts lovers, and fun for everyone.

Blount Mansion: Statehood Celebration

Category: Culinary arts, food, Fundraisers and History, heritage

Save the Date for the best party of the year at Blount Mansion!

Cocktail Supper
Live Music
Silent Auction

Tickets are $125 per person before the event. Please RSVP at:, 865-525-2375, or purchase your tickets by visiting

Blount Mansion, 200 W. Hill Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37902.

The Central Collective: Boundaries: First Friday with Bitsy Voce

  • June 1, 2018
  • 6-9 PM

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

From Artist Bitsy Voce:
Growing up in the midst of conflicting ideologies, I developed a dark and absurdist sense of humor, one which I translate through embroidered imagery. My art is a reflection upon myself as a young woman incapable of fitting within the southern cultural framework in which I was given. Although the subject matter ranges from nonsensical to grotesque, it is still meticulously woven within the confines of conventional womanly craft.

Bitsy is a graphic designer and illustrator living in Knoxville where she attended the University of Tennessee. Her mediums of choice are markers, ink, and embroidery. In general, her works are characterized by personifying food in an eerie or humorous manor to create an uncomfortable rift between feelings of comfort and familiarity. She finds the risk of free-handing her ideas directly to the cloth and developing subsequent mistakes energizing.

The Central Collective, 923 N. Central Street, Knoxville, TN 37917. Information: 865-236-1590,,

Rala: First Friday with Elijah Fredrick Apparel

  • June 1, 2018
  • 6-9 PM

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event

Join us for our June First Friday show opening featuring hand-painted apparel by Elijah Fredrick. Eli was born in Kentucky, but raised in Knoxville. He attended UTK and graduated with a BFA in studio arts concentrating in painting and drawing. Post school, Eli was searching for a new direction for his work, but maintained drawing daily in his sketch books. After talking with a friend about a silk drawing project from school, he decided to explore the idea of painting on items of clothing. He thought of it as a unique way of subverting the private-intimate nature of his sketchbook drawings. "Sketchbooks are about intimacy. Clothing is about outward expression. I am interested in exploring the what happens when those worlds collide."

Rala, 112 W. Jackson Ave, Knoxville, TN 37902. Information: 865-525-7888,

Bijou Art Gallery: Exhibition by Thaddeus George

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

Join us next week for our June First Friday featuring Knoxville's Thaddeus George! This is a free event! Thaddeus R. George is a self-taught artist. His primary style is Abstract in Acrylics. Painting for him is a spiritual release and his voice to the world. His paintings express his many moods, thoughts, and emotions. Come check out his work, and our newly renovated gallery space!

Bijou Theatre, 803 S. Gay Street, Knoxville, TN 37902. Information: 865-522-0832,

Smart + Becker: Mend Exhibition

  • June 1, 2018
  • 6-10 PM

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

As many of you know, there have been some unwelcome surprises recently, and the break-in was just one of them. Thankfully, I have a lot of practice with making the best of seemingly bad situations! But when our June artist cancelled so late in the game I'd never be able to curate a new show in time, I was honestly just feeling downright broken. I had been preparing samples for my Sashiko / Visible Mending workshop and all I could bring myself to do was rip and mend. Rip and mend. Rip and mend. So when I couldn't sleep Monday night and found myself stitching and watching that show like a crazy person at 3am, the idea came to me -- Mend.

It's not going to be a huge show, but it's going to be special. I'll be showing a few hoops from this new series and we'll also have a little mending 'station' where each person will have the chance to write down on a little piece of paper a note about a relationship, friendship, precious keepsake, or anything else they'd like to mend. Each anonymous note will be combined to create a sweet follow-up blog post about healing and making and mending and I'm so looking forward to the experience.

Smart + Becker, 1154 McCalla Ave, Knoxville, TN 37915. Hours: M-W by appt; Th-Sa 10-7, Su 1-7. Information: 828-707-8532,

The Big Camera: First Friday Pop-Up Gallery & Free Community Art!

  • June 1, 2018
  • 4-9 PM

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Festivals, special events and Free event

At Central Filling Station, 900 N. Central Street, Knoxville, Tennessee 37917

Join us for a Big Camera Pop-up Gallery with artists TBA, and a free community photographic art project for all!

Community School of the Arts: Side/By/Side Reception & Silent Auction

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Free event and Fundraisers

The Side-By-Side Visual Arts Apprentice Program pairs CSA students with professional artists in their studios for a period of four to six months each year. The stunning results will be displayed at Bennett Galleries & Company from May 29 - June 1, culminating in a Reception and Silent Auction on Friday, June 1, 5-7:30 PM. Admission is free. All proceeds from the silent auction benefit the Community School of the Arts scholarship fund.

Artists include: Susana Esrequis, Marcia Goldenstein, Joyce Gralak, Janet Harper, Richard Jolley, Sarah Ono Jones, Chris McAdoo, Peter Rose, Tommie Rush, and Cynthia Tollefsrud.

At Bennett Galleries and Company, 5308 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37919. Community School of the Arts: 865-523-5684,

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