Calendar of Events

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Emporium Center: LMU LAW’s Law in Fine Art Society: Justice for the Unseen

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

A reception will take place on Friday, March 2, from 5:00-9:00 PM as part of First Friday activities downtown to which the public is invited to meet the artists and view the artwork.

In this new exhibition, participants ranging from middle and high school students to professional artists were asked to reflect on what happens when mental illness and the criminal justice system collide and present an ethical dichotomy. This exhibition reflects the challenges faced by both the defendant and the judges, attorneys, law enforcement, and mental health professionals tasked with ensuring justice for all. These defendants are our nation's veterans, our next door neighbors, our families and our friends. Some are forgotten. Some are ignored. Some are never seen at all. And, while their actions thrust them into the spotlight of the criminal courts, their internal struggles often remain unseen. This collection of artwork is dedicated to ensuring justice for the unseen.

This installation includes artwork contributed from the community, students in the law school, as well as students from East Tennessee State University and Lincoln Memorial University in Harrogate. These pieces are just a glimpse into the overall show which will also include many pieces and diverse mediums contributed by veterans, children, and others who have felt the effects of trauma and abuse.

On display at the Emporium Center, 100 S. Gay Street, in downtown Knoxville. Exhibition hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Closed Friday, Marhc 30. Information: (865) 523-7543 or

The Rose Center: "Ebb & Flow" by Renee Suich

  • March 2, 2018 — March 29, 2018

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event

Opening reception Friday, March 2, 5-7pm free

Early years spent in design were further fostered by time spent working at the Cleveland Museum of Art. Renee Suich now resides in East Tennessee and enjoys experimenting with new media including encaustic work. Different mediums, like encaustic work, allow Suich to explore color and texture in a new way. Every piece becomes a new challenge. For more information, visit

The Rose Center, 442 West Second North St., Morristown, TN, 37814. Hours: M-F 9-5. Information: 423-581-4330,

HoLa Hora Latina: Exhibition by Gabriela Toledo Anaya

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

Join us for the opening exhibition in First Friday, March 2, 5-9 PM

Gallery hours:
Wed & Fri - 2:30pm - 5:00pm
Thurs - 11:00am-1:00pm
or by appointment at 865-335-3358

HoLa Hora Latina, 100 S. Gay Street, Suite 112, Knoxville, TN 37902. Information:

Farragut Town Hall: Intermediate and Middle School Student Showcases

  • March 2, 2018 — March 29, 2018

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Free event and Kids, family

Don't miss the opportunity to view the work of some of the community's most talented young artists!

The 2018 Farragut Intermediate School Art Show opens Friday, March 2, and will be on display through Friday, March 9. A reception to honor the artists is 5-6 p.m. on Tuesday, March 6.

The 2018 Farragut Middle School Art Show opens Monday, March 19, and will be on display through Thursday, March 29. There will be a juried reception for artists from 5-6 p.m. on Tuesday, March 27. First, second and third-place prizes will be awarded.

Both shows are sponsored by the Farragut Arts Council. For more information:

Incorporated in 1980, the Town of Farragut has top schools, safe neighborhoods and high development standards, making it one of the best places to live in the Southeast. Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Dr, Farragut, TN 37934. Hours: M-F 10-4:30. Information: 865-966-7057,

The Troubadour Roadhouse and Performance Hall

  • February 20, 2018 — December 13, 2018

Category: Music

We have a full event calendar that grows by the day!

Monday - Singer/songwriter night (open sign-up)
Tuesday - Open mic night (open sign-up)
Wed through Sun - Various Americana/Folk artists from Knoxville and across the country

The Troubadour Roadhouse and Performance Hall located in Bearden, 4705 Old Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37919
Information: 865-851-8650,

Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church Exhibition by Alyssa Johnson and Brandon McBath

  • February 11, 2018 — April 5, 2018

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

Reception Friday, February 16, 6:00 to 7:30 pm. Artists’ talks at 6:30 pm.

Alyssa Johnson
There is a power in lines on maps, in three feet of fencing full of holes, in a velvet rope or a cement block. In this power, there are also rules. This wall is okay to climb over—that wall is not. You can paint on that wall, but you cannot touch this one. These are rules Johnson wants to define—to climb into, to push until she meets an edge, to make room for one or two or more people. She hopes to set the groundwork for this delineation by isolating the walls she interacts with daily, to draw them out of their repeated normalcy and question their necessity. There are two sides to every stance—therefore, she uses both realism and abstraction. Abolishing dividers leans toward naivety, yet holding all trust in borders rings with paranoia. Her primary hope is that a wide expression of style will allow for an exploration of both ends of the spectrum, prompting us to locate where our own feet stand in relation to either ignorance or distrust.

In December of 2017, Alyssa graduated from the University of Tennessee’s School of Art with a BFA in Studio Art and a psychology minor. Her past work has been featured in Phoenix Literary Magazine and included in group exhibitions in Tennessee; most recently, she has been displaying in New Jersey. While her focus is primarily on painting and drawing, Alyssa is also serving as studio manager to a local potter in Nashville while still maintaining her own practice in her studio at home.

Brandon McBath
McBath digs for treasure -- the images -- then makes the map to it. He compares this to viewing a cluster of clouds: the mind connects it with an image, and then one sees that image in the clouds. He wants viewers to discover hidden images and be observant of his clouds. He makes large-scale scroll-esque drawings that fill the field of vision from up close or afar. Intuitive gestural lines and ink-pours create a unique matrix or “sky.” Then, as he finds images, he reinforces them and makes them more readily available to the viewer.

Brandon McBath graduated from the University of Tennessee in 2016 with a BFA in Studio Art with a concentration in drawing and a minor in art history. He was raised in East Tennessee by Tammy McBath, of Tammy’s Fish and Fried Green Tomatoes, and a loving older brother. After his father’s death in 1997, his mother worked hard to support her two children. During this time, Brandon was highly influenced by the art within television, anime, and video games. This later accompanied his faith in Jesus Christ which has shaped his worldview alongside his church family at Beech Grove Baptist Church. He teaches middle school art at Concord Christian School in Farragut.

Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church, 2931 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37919. Gallery hours: M-Th 10-5, Su 10-1. Information: 865-523-4176,

Knoxville Museum of Art: Press Ahead: Contemporary Prints Gifted by Helen and Russell Novak

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

In 2015, Chicago collectors Helen and Russell Novak made the single largest and most important gift of art to the KMA’s contemporary print collection in the museum’s history. Press Ahead: Contemporary Prints Gifted by Helen and Russell Novak represents the official unveiling of this remarkable gift. The exhibition features 38 works by leading contemporary artists from around the world including Roger Brown, John Buck, Christo, Lesley Dill, Jim Dine, Helen Frankenthaler, Red Grooms, Sol LeWitt, and Barbara Takenaga William T. Wiley, and by younger artists such as Brad Brown, Enrique Chagoya, Tom Huck, Jiha Moon, and Hans Schabus. Some artists are leading printmakers while others work primarily in other media, but became interested in collaborating with master printers in order to realize their ideas in print-based formats. The KMA’s selection includes great examples of each artist’s work, prints produced in small editions, and those representing a broad range of printmaking techniques and formats (including sculptural and book format prints).

The Novak’s collection includes thousands of contemporary prints acquired over a period of more than 30 years. The collection is noteworthy for its size and breadth, and because of Russell Novak’s close ties to such prominent master printers Jack Lemon and Bud Shark, who run two of the country’s premier print studios—Landfall Press and Shark’s Ink, respectively. Each year, Lemon and Shark would send the Novaks limited edition print portfolios, out of which the couple selected certain prints to be matted and framed for display. The collection has grown to a point at which framed works fill the walls of their home and of Russell’s corporate office space housing the accounting firm of Novak/Costello.

The Novaks chose to donate works to the KMA rather than area Chicago museums for several reasons. First, they became interested in the KMA thanks to Helen’s childhood friend, Knoxville educator Marilyn Liberman, who introduced Helen to the KMA. Marilyn also alerted the KMA about the Novaks and their collection, especially after learning that Helen had expressed interest in placing portions of the collection with suitable museums. The Novaks soon realized their gift to the KMA could eventually become a centerpiece for the museum’s works on paper collection. Their interest in placing the works at the KMA was heightened by the museum’s long association with contemporary printmaking (Dulin Gallery’s print competition ran from the early 1960s until the late 1980s), and the presence in Knoxville of the UTK School of Art’s Printmaking Program (ranked #2 in the country in 2017 by U.S. News & World Report). In this way, Press Ahead celebrates the Novak’s generosity, and underscores the important role of their gift in enabling KMA visitors to explore contemporary printmaking and the exciting range of expressive possibilities and technical approaches it encompasses.

For a full listing of the Novak’s gifts, please go to

Knoxville Museum of Art, 1050 World's Fair Park Dr, Knoxville, TN 37916. Hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 10AM-5PM, Sunday, 1-5PM. Information: 865-525-6101,

Rala: First Friday Exhibition by Kristen Wasik

  • February 2, 2018 — March 31, 2018

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event

Join us for a show opening featuring the work of Kristen Wasik.
Opening - Fri Feb 2, 6-9 PM

She is a senior BFA candidate in the School of Art at the University of Tennessee. Her most recent work is informed by minimalism in which gesture and abstract forms construct a sense of meaning. When not in the studio, Kristen enjoys traveling, exploring the Smoky Mountains, and learning how to embrace being human.

Rala, 112 W. Jackson Ave, Knoxville, TN 37902. Information: 865-525-7888,

Goodwill Knoxville: Free Tax Preparation

  • January 30, 2018 — April 14, 2018

Category: Classes, workshops and Free event

At Bearden Goodwill, 5307 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN, 37919

Goodwill is pleased to host the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program at our training center in Bearden. VITA provides free tax assistance to the community, particularly those with low and limited income, individuals with disabilities, non-English speaking and/or elderly taxpayers.

Please bring social security cards or ITIN letters for each person on the return, photo identification for the taxpayer and spouse, and all paperwork for your turn. This paperwork may include W-2s or 1099-MISCs for jobs, 1099-Rs for retirement income, 1099-INTs and 1099-DIVs for interest and dividends, and/or SSA-1099s for those on social security. Taxpayers who got their health insurance through must have their 1095-A form. People with HSAs must have the 1099-SA showing how much was distributed to them.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday - 10am-3pm
For more information about VITA, visit
Goodwill Industries-Knoxville: 865-588-8567,

The Knoxville Association of Bridge Clubs: Beginning Bridge Lessons

  • January 23, 2018 — May 15, 2018

Category: Classes, workshops

Beginning Bridge Lessons is an introductory class that covers the bidding and play of hands, bidding in competition, the Two Over One bidding convention, No Trump bidding, and other bidding conventions for the beginner. Classes will be held on Tuesdays from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., beginning January 23, 2018, at the Knoxville Bridge Center, 7400 Deane Hill Drive. The first two classes are free; there after, the cost $5 per class. Bring a partner or, if not, we will provide one for you.

At the Knoxville Bridge Center, 7400 Deane Hill Drive. To register, follow this link, contact Jo Anne Newby at 865-539-4150 or email

The Farragut Museum: The Battle of Campbell Station

Category: Free event, History, heritage and Lecture, panel

A new special exhibit - "The Battle of Campbell Station" - will open January 22 at the Farragut Museum and remain through Friday, June 15.

The exhibit features items from the personal collection of local community member Gerald Augustus, including artifacts from the battle, fought Nov. 16, 1863, on the land surrounding the Farragut Town Hall.

A special "Friends Only" exhibit preview will precede a lecture by Augustus on Sunday, January 21. Friends are invited at 1:30 p.m. for refreshments. General admission begins at 2:30 p.m. If you are not a Friend and wish to join, you are welcome to register during the preview. The lecture on the battle begins at 3 p.m.

The Farragut Museum is committed to preserving the heritage of its East Tennessee community and features a remarkable collection of artifacts from the area, including an extensive collection of the personal belongings of Admiral David Glasgow Farragut, first Admiral of the U.S Navy and hero of the Civil War. Housed in Farragut Town Hall located at 11408 Municipal Center Drive, the museum is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and offers free admission.

Farragut Town Hall, 11408 Municipal Center Dr, Farragut, TN 37934. Hours: M-F 10-4:30. Information: 865-966-7057,

East Tennessee Historical Society: "In the Footsteps of Sergeant York"

Category: Exhibitions, visual art and History, heritage

Between 2006 and 2009, an international team of historians, archaeologists, and geographers traveled to France to rediscover and document where Fentress County-native Sergeant Alvin C. York made his heroic stand. In the Footsteps of Sergeant York, a traveling exhibition from the Museum of the American Military Experience, showcases this groundbreaking research and allows visitors to retrace the steps of one of America's best-known military heroes.

Through the new interactive exhibit, the East Tennessee Historical Society invites you to step back into the the trenches of WWI, to hear the sounds of war, view clips of the film on York's life, see items from the York home along with other interesting artifacts, and experience the front line that made the man from Pall Mall, Tennessee an international superstar.

In the Footsteps of Sergeant York will be on display in the Rogers-Claussen Feature Gallery at the East Tennessee History Center. The exhibit and corresponding programming is presented in partnership with the Museum of the American Military Experience, Tennessee State Parks, The Sergeant York Patriotic Foundation, the University of Tennessee's Center for the Study of War and Society, and the Knox County Public Library.

East Tennessee Historical Society, 601 S. Gay Street, Knoxville, TN 37902. Museum hours: M-F 9-4, Sa 10-4, Su 1-5. Information: 865-215-8824,

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