Calendar of Events
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Oak Ridge Art Center: Retrospective: Artists, Collectors & O’Steen
Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event
In this season full of holidays, family and remembrance, our collection serves as a line (connection point?) between our current Art Center family and those who worked to sustain and preserve our program in the past. Among them are artists, collectors, and family of both. We will have three great shows to represent the individuals who created, those who collected, and those who contributed to our ability to share with our community the amazing variety and diversity of art. This show was inspired by the work of Joan O’Steen, artist and long-time supporter of the Art Center and creative work in our community.
Joan O’Steen has been a creative force for many years. She has been a painter, designer and fiber artist for many years. Her work, like many women, was woven through her life as a business woman; helpmate to husband, Tom Hill, as they sustained his family business, The Oak Ridger; loving Mother as she raised her children, and coach who worked with teams of young women. Her life-long pursuit of the creative and interest in fashion lead her to new and unexpected areas in which she could explore and experiment. The result is a fascinating combination of more traditional visual arts techniques like painting and more contemporary work with wearable art and basketry.
Retrospective: Artists will be a collection of work by artists who have been members of or have been associated with the Art Center during our history. Many of them have been instructors at the Art Center and/or have shown with us in their careers.
Retrospective: Collectors will showcase some of the wonderful pieces contributed to the Art Center for us to share with future generations. This grouping will include pieces that were lovingly collected by both members and individuals from the region who wished to leave a lasting impact on local cultural assets.
Watch our Facebook page for more information about the show and options for extended evening viewing during the exhibition. Oak Ridge Art Center, 201 Badger Avenue, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. Hours: Tu-F 9-5, Sa-M 1-4. Information: 865-482-1441,
HoLa Hora Latina: Exhibition by Camila Manvaz
Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event
Opening reception Friday, December 7, 5pm-9pm
Camila Manvas’ Biography - Español:
A los 10 años, una niña colombiana de nombre Camila Manvaz, entra en contacto con el mundo del color y la plástica. Enamorada desde entonces de los Colores, empieza a realizar obras donde la fantasía y la realidad conviven en entorno a lo que nada es lo que parece. Obras que pretenden reflejar las inquietantes alucinaciones que produce su propia mente… La solución que encontró Camila para contrarrestar los efectos de sus repentinos y fuertes cambios anímicos fue sencillamente pintar aquello que veía. Camila Manvaz (Bogotá, Colombia, 1983), vive en las líneas que delimitan el paraíso y el infierno. El mundo artístico de una de las creadoras contemporáneas más fascinantes tiene su origen en las más profundas alegrías y depresiones que nunca la han abandonado. Pero como adulto, ella a logrado desplegar la belleza más especial ante los asombrados ojos del espectador. Su infancia, adolescencia y juventud transcurrieron en Bogotá Colombia, en la que las mujeres tienen poco o nada que decir y son fuertemente criticadas por una sociedad violenta y machista. En 2016, se muda a los Estados Unidos, a la ciudad de Knoxville, Tennessee, para buscar nuevas vías de expresión con las que dar salida a la vorágine artística que anida en su mente y en su espíritu. Camila Manvaz estudio diseño industrial en la Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, y es actualmente una de las artistas colombianas contemporáneas con más fama, por su activismo social y derechos de la mujer. Compagina su actividad como Esposa, como madre de tres hijos, Gabriel, Jacobo y Victoria y como artista conceptual con la crítica pública a la desprotección a la mujer.
At age 10, a Colombian girl named Camila Manvaz, came in contact with the world of color and plastic arts. Since then, she fell in love with the Colors, she began to create works where fantasy and reality coexisted in an environment where nothing is as it seems. Works that pretended to reflect the disturbing hallucinations produced by her own mind ... The solution that Camila found to counteract the effects of her sudden and strong mood changes was simply to paint what she saw. Camila Manvaz (Bogota, Colombia, 1983), lives in the borders that define paradise and hell. The artistic world of one of the most fascinating contemporary creators has its origins in the deepest joys and depressions that have never left her. But as an adult, she has managed to unfold the most special beauty for the astonished eyes of the spectator. Her childhood, adolescence and youth were spent in Bogota Colombia, a country in which women have little or nothing to say and are strongly criticized by a violent and macho society. In 2016, she moved to the United States, to the city of Knoxville, Tennessee, to find new ways of expression with which to give vent to the artistic maelstrom that nests in her mind and spirit. Camila Manvaz studied industrial design at the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University, and is currently one of the most famous contemporary Colombian artists, for her social activism and women's rights. She combines her activity as a wife, as a mother of three children, Gabriel, Jacobo and Victoria and as a conceptual artist with public criticism of the lack of protection for women.
Gallery will be closed for the Holidays from December 10 - January 2. We will be open M-F 1-5pm.
HoLa Hora Latina, 100 S. Gay Street, Suite 112, Knoxville, TN 37902. Information: 865-335-3358,
Zoo Knoxville: Kroger Discount Days
Category: Kids, family and Science, nature
Zoo Knoxville is offering $5 off admission tickets during Kroger Discount Days. Guests can discover why winter is an enjoyable time to visit the zoo. Many animals, including red pandas, river otters, elephants, gorillas, red wolves, lions and tigers, enjoy the cooler temperatures. On days when the temperature drops below 40 degrees, some animals will be moved indoors, but visitors can still see most in their indoor viewing areas. The Pilot Flying J Wee Play Adventure is a popular indoor area that’s a warm stop for creative play and reptile viewing during visits as well.
A December trip to the zoo can even include a visit to Santa’s Village, a special holiday encounter and photo opportunity with Santa Claus. Santa’s Village will be open for holiday photos and Christmas wishes Thursday, Dec. 13 through Sunday, Dec. 16 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. each day in the heated Kids Cove Tent. Santa’s Village is included with general admission. Discounted tickets can be purchased at the zoo ticket window during regular zoo hours and online at Discounted admission tickets must be used by Feb. 28, 2019, and cannot be combined with any other promotion, discount, or coupon.
Zoo Knoxville, 3500 Knoxville Zoo Drive, Knoxville, TN 37914. Open every day except Christmas. Information: 865-637-5331,
Beck Cultural Exchange Center: I Have a Voice: Tennessee’s African American Musical Heritage
Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Free event, History, heritage and Music
Beck presents the exhibition, I Have a Voice: Tennessee’s African American Musical Heritage, opening November 2, 2018. The exhibition, organized by the Tennessee State Museum, gives a snapshot of Tennessee’s rich African American musical heritage and its influence on worldwide musical genres.
The Volunteer State has been the birthplace of some of the most influential music in the world, from the Beale Street blues clubs in Memphis, to the R&B scene on Nashville’s Jefferson Street and the jazz in Knoxville’s Gem Theatre. The history of African American music follows the hardship of slavery in America. American slaves adapted their African ancestors’ music to hand clapping, singing, the fiddle and the African–derived banjo.
Expressing their sorrows from bondage, and joy for their ultimate deliverance, these enslaved persons found an original, musical voice sung in their spirituals and folk music. This voice has left a monumental cultural stamp on American music, including blues, ragtime, jazz, gospel, rhythm and blues, rock and roll, and soul music. In turn, this music has influenced and enriched music around the world.
The exhibit introduces viewers to many famous Tennessee music legends — Bessie Smith, who was nicknamed the “Empress of the Blues;” B.B. King, often referred to as the “King of the Blues;” Grand Ole Opry star DeFord Bailey; and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee Tina Turner. The exhibit gives visitors a chance to hear the voices of the many Tennessee African American men and women who made their mark on American music from ragtime to Motown.
Visitors can view YouTube videos of various performers and musicians featured in the exhibition on their smart phones or tablets through the use of QR-coded links. Educators who are interested in teaching about Tennessee’s African American musical heritage will be provided with curriculum-based educational lesson activities.
Beck Cultural Exchange Center: 1927 Dandridge Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37915. Hours: Tu-Sa 10-6. Information: 865-524-8461,
The Outpost: Upcoming Shows
Category: Music
Coming to Happy Holler this November, it'll be open for just five months, so we're going to put as much awesome stuff in there as we can before it's gone forever! You can read more about how this came about in this article in the Knoxville News Sentinel as well as this article in Inside Of Knoxville.
With the new venue, we are already off and running announcing shows. We already have tickets on sale for our first five shows plus, you can register (for free) to come to our grand opening event!
• firekid on Thursday, November 1st
• Strung Like a Horse on Friday, November 2nd
• Hardcastle on Saturday, November 3rd
• Free Grand Opening Event With Music From Jubal on Friday, November 9th
• William Wild on Friday, November 16th
• Vacation Manor on Thursday, November 29th
And more! Open through March 2019 at 109 W. Anderson Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37917.
Frieson Black Cultural Center: Sacred and Profane by Marc Z. DeBose
Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event
"Sacred and Profane" exhibition the Frieson Black Cultural Center (extended)
The art gallery at the Frieson Black Cultural Center is featuring "Sacred and Profane," a retrospective exhibition of mixed-media prints by Marc Z. DeBose. DeBose, who received his MFA in Studio Art (printmaking) in 2002, died unexpectedly on Monday April 2, 2018 from a ruptured aorta. Marc’s father Frank DeBose, who loaned most of the works for this exhibition, is Professor Emeritus in Visual Communication Design at the School of Art Institute of Chicago where Marc completed his BFA in printmaking, electronic art and photography in 1996. The exhibition is an opportunity to celebrate his creative spirit. The exhibition will run through February 28, 2019.
Several of the works in the exhibition are from Marc’s MFA thesis, which examined the African-American experience in relationship to community police-work. These works also express the influences of his synthesis of Catholic and Pentecostal roots on family and community interactions. Following his MFA degree, Marc Z, DeBose continued his studio practice while also pursuing a career as a Chicago policeman.
1800 Melrose Ave., Knoxville.
East Tennessee Historical Society: A Home for Our Past: The Museum of East Tennessee History at 25
Category: Exhibitions, visual art and History, heritage
A Home for Our Past: The Museum of East Tennessee History at 25 a new feature exhibition at the Museum of East Tennessee History
The public opening of the exhibition begins at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, September 14, with light refreshments and ribbon cutting and remarks at 5:15.
When the Museum of East Tennessee History opened in 1993, it fulfilled a shared vision to preserve and interpret the region’s rich history for the benefit of all, a vision first articulated a century and a half earlier. On May 5, 1834, Dr. J.G.M. Ramsey addressed a group of a historically-minded citizens gathered for the first annual meeting of the East Tennessee Historical and Antiquarian Society. Concerned that many of the participants in Tennessee’s early history were passing away and with them their memories, Ramsey issued a call to action: “Let us hasten to redeem the time that is lost.”
Today, 184 years later, Dr. J.G.M. Ramsey’s plea to save Tennessee’s past continues to reverberate in the galleries of the East Tennessee Historical Society’s museum, a permanent home for our region’s cherished stories, traditions, and artifacts. The East Tennessee Historical Society actively began collecting artifacts and producing award-winning interpretive exhibits in 1993, which has now grown to more than 16,000 artifacts housed within the East Tennessee History Center. In this special exhibition, ETHS is excited to highlight East Tennessee’s unique history through a variety of artifacts, with at least one exhibited item from each year of ETHS’s active 25 years of collections, most of which are rarely or never on display.
The exhibition includes more than twenty-five artifacts and numerous photographs and illustrations representative of East Tennessee’s unique history. Some of the items include an 1883 Springfield penny-farthing, the first apparatus to be called a “bicycle”; an 1822 artificial hand that belonged to a teacher from Union County; a silver coffee and tea service from the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad presented to Superintendent James Baker Hoxsie upon his retirement in 1866; a coverlet woven by one of the famed Walker sisters of Greenbrier; a shirt stating “Healing in the name of Jesus. Take up serpents, Acts 2:38” worn during religious services practicing snake handling in Cocke County; an 1817 bead necklace belonging to Eliza Sevier, the wife of Templin Ross and the granddaughter of both John Sevier and Cherokee Chief Oconostota; a 1907 baseball uniform from a coal town’s team in Marion County; and the distinctive backdrop and wall clock from WBIR-TV variety program "The Cas Walker Farm & Home Show." The exhibit also features a brilliant display of East Tennessee furniture, textiles, folk art, instruments, and vintage toys.
Also on display are more than two dozen featured artifacts from the Tennessee State Museum. A new Tennessee State Museum will open on the grounds of the Bicentennial Capital Mall in Nashville on October 4. ETHS is honored to display select East Tennessee artifacts from their collection, highlighting the programmatic ties between the two institution as well as the museums’ shared mission to preserve Tennessee’s rich history. Selected items include a 1792 map of the State of Franklin, an 1831 copy of the Cherokee Phoenix & Indians Advocate newspaper, and a 19th century flintlock muzzle loading rifle made by Baxter Bean of Washington County.
East Tennessee Historical Society, 601 S. Gay Street, Knoxville, TN 37902. Museum hours: M-F 9-4, Sa 10-4, Su 1-5. Information: 865-215-8824,
Dogwood Arts: Art In Public Places
Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event
Dogwood Arts Art In Public Places - Temporary Sculpture Exhibition
Art in Public Places is a large-scale outdoor sculpture program showcased throughout Knoxville, Oak Ridge, and Alcoa, Tennessee. The annual rotating installation is one of many Dogwood Arts programs focused on providing access to the arts for everyone, promoting awareness of the strong visual arts community thriving in our region, and creating a vibrant and inspiring environment for residents and visitors to experience. Over the past eleven years, Dogwood Arts has curated and installed over 220 works of art, and the Art In Public Places program has gained national recognition as a platform for world-class artists. This year’s ambitious collection of sculptures created by artists from across the nation has been selected by Director of the Zuckerman Museum of Art, Justin Rabideau.
Dogwood Arts, 123 W. Jackson Ave, Knoxville, TN 37902. Information: 865-637-4561,
Ijams Nature Center: Events

Category: Classes, workshops, Festivals, special events, Free event, Health, wellness, Kids, family and Science, nature
View the calendar of ongoing events at
Ijams Nature Center, 2915 Island Home Ave, Knoxville, TN 37920. Hours: Grounds and trails open during daylight hours. Call for Visitor Center hours. Information: 865-577-4717,
WDVX: Six O’clock Swerve

Category: Music
Six O’Clock Serve host, Wayne Bledsoe, has a special relationship with local musicians and has known and written about many of them for decades. The show's relaxed and informed interviews and performances welcome spontaneity. See who's coming up next on the Swerve calendar:
Live from Barley's in Knoxville's Old City every Thursday, 6-7 PM. Tickets available at the door for $5.
Barley's Taproom and Pizzeria, 200 E Jackson Ave, Knoxville, TN 37915. Info: 865-544-1029,