Calendar of Events
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Clarence Brown Theatre: The Madwoman of Chaillot
Category: Theatre
By Jean Giraudoux. Translated by Laurence Senelick.
CBT Mainstage
Starring Carol Mayo Jenkins
A group of corrupt oil men want to drill right under the streets of Paris. But Countess Aurelia and her band of eccentric followers are having none of it! a treasure of French poetic satire since its premiere in 1945, the characters, the absurdities, and the political commentary seem just as relevant today.
Clarence Brown Theatre, 1714 Andy Holt Ave on the UT campus, Knoxville, TN 37996. For information: 865-974-5161, For tickets: 865-974-5161, 865-656-4444,
Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Spring Wildflower Pilgrimage
Category: Science, nature
Spring Wildflower Pilgrimage
In the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
April 24-27 2019
For much more information and registration please visit
Clayton Center for the Arts: The Illusionists- Live From Broadway
Category: Theatre
This mind blowing spectacular showcases the jaw dropping talents of five of the most incredible Illusionists on earth. THE ILLUSIONISTSTM – LIVE FROM BROADWAYTM has shattered box office records across the globe and dazzles audiences of all ages with a powerful mix of the most outrageous and astonishing acts ever to be seen on stage. This non-stop show is packed with thrilling and sophisticated magic of unprecedented proportions.
Perfect for audiences of all ages, this critically acclaimed production has played to sold out crowds in the United States, Australia, Latin America, and New Zealand, and is currently out with its North American tour.
Clayton Center for the Arts: 502 East Lamar Alexander Parkway, Maryville, TN 37804. Information/tickets: 865-981-8590,
Knoxville Symphony Orchestra: The Q Series at The Emporium Center

Category: Music
The Knoxville Symphony Orchestra presents the KSO Q Series at The Emporium Center for classical music Wednesdays! Single tickets are $18 in advance/$20 at the door.
This concert features a one-hour performance by the Principal Quartet and the Woodwind Quintet and tickets include lunch.
Thursday and Friday evenings at 7:30 PM at the Tennessee Theatre, 604 S. Gay Street, Knoxville, TN 37902. Tickets and information: 865-291-3310,
Knox County Public Library: Books Sandwiched In with Dr. Maria Campa
Category: Free event, Lecture, panel and Literature, spoken word, writing
Knox County Public Library invites the public to join Dr. Maria Campa, UT Bredesen Center – discussing Saudi America: The Truth about Fracking and How It's Changing the World by Bethany McLean
At noon in the East Tennessee History Center auditorium (601 South Gay Street).
Books Sandwiched In is made possible by the generous support of the Friends of Knox County Public Library. Bring a sandwich or pick up something at a downtown restaurant. Drinks will be available for 50 cents.
Spark: Free Movie Screening: Intelligent Lives
Category: Film, Free event and Kids, family
Free Movie Screening: Intelligent Lives
April 24, 2019 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Please join us for a free screening hosted by Dustin Park and Spark! From award-winning filmmaker Dan Habib comes INTELLIGENT LIVES, a catalyst to transform the label of intellectual disability from a life sentence of isolation into a life of possibility for the most systematically segregated people in America.
Spark Center, 116 Childress Street, Knoxville, TN 37920. Information: 865-219-0130,
Pellissippi State Community College: Video Production Technology Showcase
Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Film and Free event
Pellissippi State's Video Production Technology students who are studying animation will be on display April 23-27 in the Bagwell Center for Media and Art Gallery. The exhibit will include a reel of students' work and stills from their productions. Gallery hours are 9 a.m.-9 p.m. weekdays.
Hardin Valley Campus of Pellissippi State: 10915 Hardin Valley Road, Knoxville, TN 37932. Bagwell Center Gallery hours: M-F 9 AM - 9 PM. Information: 865-694-6405,
Knoxville Museum of Art: Artists on Location, A Plein Air Painting Event

Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Festivals, special events and Free event
The Guild of the Knoxville Museum of Art presents Artists On Location exhibition and art sale April 27, 2019 5:30-9 PM.
Camille “Candy” Day is the featured artist and event judge for ARTISTS ON LOCATION 2019. The Guild of KMA is honored to have Day as judge and welcome her to this time honored event in Knoxville.
This event will provide both new and seasoned collectors the chance to acquire original paintings of some of Knoxville’s best-known sites.
Throughout the week of April 22–26, local and regional artists will capture on canvas the many varied scenes in and around Knoxville. From urban street to pastoral garden settings, the public is invited to watch artists in action as they paint “en plein air” at locations around town.
Artists will exhibit and sell their works at the exhibition and art sale on April 27. The annual event is free and open to the public, and includes light refreshments and a cash bar. A portion of the proceeds of the sale will benefit the Knoxville Museum of Art.
Painting in open air or “plein air” became popular in the mid- 19th century when artists of the French Impressionist movement sought to paint light and its changing ephemeral qualities in the atmosphere. The practice of painting on location increased with the development of transportable paint tubes and box easels.
Knoxville Museum of Art, 1050 World's Fair Park Dr, Knoxville, TN 37916. Information: 865-525-6101,
UT Libraries: Preservation Week
Category: Classes, workshops, Free event and Literature, spoken word, writing
Learn Japanese Stab binding and see how the library preserves its treasures. Next week is Preservation Week at the library. Stop by 209 Hodges Library between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. each day to learn simple bookbinding techniques and watch staff from the Libraries’ Preservation Lab at work.
UT Libraries, 1015 Volunteer Boulevard, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996
Knoxville Argentine Tango Society: Guided Practica
Category: Classes, workshops, Dance, movement and Free event
Wednesday Class/Guided Practica
7-9pm at the Double S Wine Bar (129 South Gay St)
We have a weekly drills/practica and a monthly milonga along with workshops by regional and international teachers several times a year. We can also point you toward regular group lessons in Knoxville, workshops across the region, and the the entire wonderful world of Argentine tango. So what are you waiting for? Come dance with us! There are no excuses.
Contact us ( with your questions or drop in on one of our events! or
Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church: Exhibit by Robert H. Thompson and Anita DeAngelis
Category: Exhibitions, visual art and Free event
Free and open to the public
Reception Friday, April 19, 6:00 to 7:30 pm. Artists’ talks at 6:30 pm.
Robert H. Thompson
Robert H. Thompson paints words -- ideas and phrases -- which appear as realistic physical objects existing in landscape settings. The landscape settings are reproductions of paintings by other artists, which Thompson modifies by adding words painted with acrylic paint. (This practice was extensively developed by artist and Chattanooga-area native Wayne White.) Describing the resulting images as "something like illustrated fragments of haiku," Thompson tries to create modestly benign dreamlike (surrealistic) images that might lead viewers to experience modestly benign creative responses as the left sides of their brains (verbal processing) and right sides (visual processing) try to work together to sort things out.
Anita M. DeAngelis
In Repose is a collection of drawings of retired racing greyhounds. While the dogs are known for running at great speeds in short burst upwards of 45 miles per hours, the dogs represented in this work are now adopted into homes and intentionally depicted in a resting state. Greyhounds are one of the oldest breeds of dogs, and they are the only breed named in the Bible (Proverbs 30:29-31, King James Version). Racing greyhounds are often misunderstood. While their racing lives are greatly scheduled, transitioning from an athlete to a pet is a significant change in lifestyle requiring adjustment to new families and living in a home. They are typically gentle, quiet, and loyal dogs, and most find pet homes upon retirement from the racing industry.
Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church, 2931 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37919. Gallery hours: M-Th 10-5, Su 10-1. Information: 865-523-4176,
Art Guild at Fairfield Glade: A Breath of Fresh Art
Category: Exhibitions, visual art, Fine Crafts and Free event
The Art Guild at Fairfield Glade presents the Spring Show: “A Breath of Fresh Art!”
This is a People’s Choice Art Show, where the winning entries are chosen by the viewers. Please join the members of the Art Guild for the show’s opening reception scheduled for Friday, April 5, from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m., at the Plateau Creative Arts Center (PCAC), located at 451 Lakeview Drive in Fairfield Glade.
A special added attraction at the reception will be performances by the Plateau Women’s Chorus. This talented choral group will delight the art show gazers with selections from their upcoming concert, “Through the Rainbow: From Bach to Bebop!”
In addition to casting ballots at the show’s reception, visitors can enjoy the Spring Show and cast a vote for their favorite Spring Show submissions at any time during the show’s run from April 5th through May 1st. Artwork at the Spring Show includes watercolor, acrylic, and oil paintings, as well as photography, jewelry, pottery, woodwork, and other three-dimensional artwork. The Peoples’ Choice Awards will be presented at the First Friday Reception on May 3rd.
The handicapped accessible PCAC gallery hours are 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. For additional information about the Art Guild at Fairfield Glade, call the PCAC at 931-707-7249 or visit